Happy Pride Month!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎

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Hey guys!!!

Just wanted to come here and say that you are valid. You are loved. I do not care what your sexuality is. I love you regardless. No hate is allowed here. We accept everyone as who they are. If you need to talk, message me☺️❤️

I also wanted to thank everyone who has read my book and has left funny or informational comments. i love reading them and I try to reply to as many as possible. I have like at least 100+ notifications on here 😂

I also try to follow people who comment, follow, vote or even add my book. You you've don't any of these and I haven't followed you, please comment here and I'll follow you right away. Maybe not right away but I will. I promise.

Another thing I wanted to thank you all is for 32k+ reads!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! I promise to work on my next book ASAP. I took a little break Bc of some stupid drama at work.

I'm close to also graduating so.... yeah..... it still hasn't hit me...... idk what is going on anymore.....

anyways thank you all again!!! And happy pride month!!!

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