The Great Battle; Part 3/4

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Adrien's POV

    "That was meant to be mine!" Hawkmoth scream. He was standing up now and his hands were fists now. "All mine!" He yelled as he ran up to Ladybug... Super LB...? He threw a punch but she dodged it like it was nothing. Hawkmoth falls on his stomach but quickly stands back up.

    "It's over Scarlet Moth. You've lost. Stop this madness and return home with your son. He needs you more than ever," LB says. I look back and forth from LB and my Father.

    "Never!" He says as he grabs one of his akumas. He places it inside his miraculous and his engulfed by that purple thing. It disappears but nothing much has changed. From his hands, fire comes out. "Burn!" He says as he fires at Ladybug. She's caught by surprise but she dodges it. She hides behind a wall just in time. "Come out Ladybug!" my father says. He then turns to look at me and back to the wall where LB is hiding. "Or watch an innocent person burn!" He says as he fires at me. I see the fire quickly coming towards me and I close my eyes. I don't feel heat or pain so I open them. Ladybug was in front of me shooting what looks like some type of white beam out of her hands. The fire stops and she drops her hands. I see her palms still glowing and my father totally surprised.

    "I'm more powerful than you. Just give up. It's useless to fight me," she says with so much confidence.

    "And I already said never," he says as he shoots fireballs at LB. She spins her hands and creates a big shield with her new powers. She pushes her hands forward and the shield is fired. It knocks both Volpina and Scarlet Moth off their feet. She turns around and kneels in front of me.

    "You need to get out. Now," she demands as she unties me.

    "No fucking way! I'm staying," I say as I rub my wrists. She unties my feet and we stand up.

    "Adrien this is not up for discussion! You don't have your miraculous and I don't want you getting hurt,"

    "You made me promise to never give up and to keep fighting for this city. And I'm willing to keep that promise. Even without my miraculous," I defend myself. She looks down as she takes in my words.

    "Fine," she says. "Just be careful," she says and I nod. Just as we were turning to face them, both Volpina and Scarlet Moth were starting to stand up. "Ready for round two?" she asks.

    "So ready," I say. Scarlet Moth ran to Ladybug while Volpina ran to me.


She throws a punch but I'm able to block it and I return it. "I'm sorry. I don't normally hit girls," I say as guilt takes over me. She doesn't say anything but punches me on the stomach instead. I stumble backward and she kicks me on the stomach again. I fall on my ass and dodge another kick from her. She plays a couple of notes on her flute and then throws the little ball of light on her hand and a sword appears. "Oh fucking great," I say. She swings at me and I jump back. "I don't think this is a fair fight anymore," I say as I keep on dodging her swings.

    "Adrien!" I hear LB call out to me. She kicks something to me and I pick it up. It's a sword. The same symbol that appeared when LB unified the miraculouses in imprinted on the handle of it. "Don't ask!" She calls out as she continues her fight with Scarlet Moth. I turn my attention back to Volpina, who's about to stab me. Luckily I'm a sword fighter so I am able to block the attack. More like I'm good at fencing but I guess it's the same thing...?

    "Lila please... stop this. You're my friend, right? If you stop now, we can try to forget this happened and try to be friends again. Don't let your hatred towards Mari and Ladybug get in the way of you making real friends," I say as I block every attack.

    "Ladybug and Marinette have been trying to ruin me ever since I got here! I don't think she and I will ever be friends! And I want her to suffer! Just the way I have!" she yells at me as she unarms me. I watch the sword slide a couple of feet away from me. We both look at it then back at each other. She knocks me off my feet and I fall on my back."I'm going to kill everyone she loves! Starting with you!" She says as hse points the sword at me. I close my eyes and put my hands up. When nothing happens, I open them and see that Ladybug has protected me again. She's using my sword. She's able to remove Volpina's sword away and towards it far away from them as possible. "I'm going to kill you!" Volpina yells. Mari throws her sword away and takes a hold of Volpina by the neck.

    "Just sleep for now," Mari says. Lila is kicking her feet and trying to remove Mari's arm from her neck.

    "YOU'RE GOING TO WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!!" Lila yells then laughs like a maniac. Her eyes slowly close and her laugh subsides. I look from Lila to Mari with terror.

    "Is she..."

    "No. I just knock her off," she says as she picks her up and carries away from the battlefield. From the other side, I hear my Father laughing and feel... heat? We look towards him and from his hands, fire comes out. What is this? Avatar: The Last Airbender or something? "Now... give me the power that rightfully belongs to me!" He yells as she shoots fire at us. Mari spins her hands again and the shield is back. She fires it again but this time my father is able to block it with his fire breath. Literally.

    "Adrien please leave with Lila," LB says. I don't say anything but carry Lila's body a lot more further than Mari left it. When I return, Mari and Scarlet Moth are having quite the fight. "Just give up!" Mari says as she blocks and dodges fire.

    "You don't understand! I need that wish!" He yells.

    "Do you know the price for it though?"

    "I could care less about that!"

    "What about your son? He needs you and all you're doing is pushing him away,"

    "I'm doing this for us!"

    "Really? Cause if you were, you wouldn't be doing this,"

    "I gave him permission to go to school and hang out with his friends when he asks. What's wrong with giving him his mother back?"

    "I think it's the fact that you don't care about the consequences," Mari says. I'm just frozen in place, listening, and watching this conversation.

    "I just want my family back. I want my wife back," he says in a shaky voice. I look at Mari and her face expression softens.

    "If you must," she says and starts to whisper something. A ball of light appears around her and she then turns to look at me. "Take care of Paris," is all she says and continues to whisper. My eyes widen and I start to run up to her.

    "Mari! No! Don't!" I get close to her but there's a force field around her. "No!" I say as I punch the field. The ball of light gets brighter and then a blast of light explodes. I fall backward and the light starts to fade. From the light, a woman walks out. I feel my lip temple at the sight of the woman."Mom?"

And it all comes down to this!!! Thank you for reading and hope everyone is healthy and safe💞💞💞

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