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Mari's POV

"Where are you Cat Noir?" I say out loud. Hawkmoth's minions are all over the place and so far I haven't been seen. I take my yo-yo and send Cat a message. Meet me at the sewers near the park. I send it and make my way there. I hope he shows up. I arrive with no problems and wait.

After like 10-20 minutes, he shows up. "Cat?"

"M'Lady! Thank goodness you're okay!" he says excitedly. He runs up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and I thank god that he isn't an illusion or something like that. "What happened to you? Where did you go?" he asks the questions that I was sure he would. I release him and sigh.

"Cat..." I don't know if to tell him or not.

"Let me guess... you can't tell me," he says, a little annoyance in his voice.

"It's not that simple. I can't tell you without giving anything from my personal life away! I trust you with all my heart Cat but you know we can't tell shit about each other! You think it's easy for me? It's not! I really want to tell my best friend where the fuck I was so he doesn't worry about his partner!" I yell without thinking of the words that just came out of my mouth. I feel my tears forming and they blur my vision. I blink and they fall. I turn away from Cat and shake my head as my tears fall.

"I'm sorry. I was just really worried. I know this is hard because it's also hard for me. But we can still talk about each other's personal life. I mean what are the chances of us knowing each other?" he says. I turn to face him and he has his hands on his hips. I smile and wipe my tears away.

"I have a boyfriend," I say. I examine his expression but it doesn't show pain.

"Thanks for telling me," is all he says and I nod.

"Yeah, no problem. How about you? Anything new?"

"No, but I think I'm going to give a girl a chance. She's been showing signs that she likes me and well I think I'm starting to like her as well," he says. I smile at him and before I know what I'm doing, I have my arms around him again. I feel his arms around me and I hug him tighter.

The ground shakes and we pull away.

"Let's go save Paris," he tells me.

"Do we need a team?" I ask.

"How do you feel about that idea?" he asks. My chest tightens at the thought of my friends going out there and being in more danger than they are right now. I know I've sent them out into the battlefield before but Hawkmoth knows who they are.

"We can't risk it. He knows who they are and I can't put them in more danger. We do this together as always,"

"I think unifying miraculous wouldn't be a bad idea right now," he suggests. I think about the idea for a minute.

"Hawkmoth could send someone to follow me. I would lead him right to them just like before and I don't want that to happen again," I say as I replay the images from two months ago. Chloe akumatized and her controlling all of Paris. All of my friends and family. I shake it away and focus on our problem.

"I think you should risk it. Were going to need as much power as possible if we even have a chance at defeating Hawkmoth this time," he pushes on. "Send your kwami. They can go through walls and shit," he adds. I think about that idea and I finally give in. He's right. If we want to defeat him this time we need as much power as possible.

"Okay. Fine. Go around the corner so you don't see me. I think we can manage with the snake and dragon again," I suggest and he smiles.

"Perfect," he says and goes around the corner. I turn back and make sure he's out of sight.

"Spots off," and in seconds Tikki is in front of mee. "Hey Tikki, I need you to go and get the snake and dragon miraculous,"

"Sure thing but can Cat Noir's kwami come and help me? I have small arms and no fingers," she whines. I laugh and call out to Cat Noir.

"Cat! You heard?"

"Yes!" he calls back. I hear "claws in." I hear him say somethings that I can't really hear and then his kwami is next to mine.

"You know what to do?" I ask him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," is all he says and they leave.

Tikki's POV

"Where is it?" Plagg asks as we make our way out of the sewers.

"Somewhere where I hope Hawkmoth will never find it. We need to be careful. Paris is filled with villains and let's not forget Sabrina being invincible,"

"Oh, I forgot about her,"

"We need to be super careful. Here... this way," We go through a wall and out through a ceiling. We ended up in the streets and behind us is a place. I think this is it. I say inside my head. I want to make sure first. "Follow me," I say and make my way inside. Once I take a good look at the place, I know were in the right place. It's filled with blue lockers and there are no people to be seen. "Okay, this is it Plagg. Stay low and quiet,"

"Okay," is all he says. I guide him through the halls of this store... of this place until we find the locker.

"Under," I say. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty paranoid that someone followed us.

We come out and Master Fu's gramophone is sitting there but the Miricle Box nowhere to be seen. I then remember that Master Fu had a secret place for the Miricle Box. I opened the hatch and it revealed nine buttons. I press in the buttons and it opens. The Miracle Box comes out and I already love the new design.

"Ready to take on Hawkmoth?" I ask Plagg. He gets closer and takes a look at the box.

"Ready as I'll ever be," is all he says.

"Good," is all I say.

Mari's POV

"They're here!" I say as soon as I spot a red thing flying towards us. I get up and wait for Tikki to reach me. "Everything alright?" I ask once she's in front of me.

"Yes. Here," she says and hands me the dragon miraculous. Plagg flew right past me when they arrived but I trust that he has the snake miraculous. "Okay. Here we go. Tikki spots on," I say and in seconds I'm back into the red with black spots tights. I hear Cat call out his magic words and a flash of green. I place the dragon miraculous round my neck and Longg appears.

"Ladybug! What's happening? Are we saving Paris again?" he asks a little worried.

"Yes, Longg, and I need your help. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely Ladybug! Let's kick some akuma butt,"

"Tikki... Longg... unify," I say and I'm again Dragon Bug. "Cat?"

"I'm ready," he says as he steps out and once again he's Snake Noir.

"Good. Now let's end this for good," I say and make my way out of the sewers.

Heyy guys! Sorry it's a bit late I didn't realize the time and went to shower.

Hope everyone is fine and staying healthy!

Thank you for reading and have a good night/morning/evening!💖💖

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