The Great Battle; Part 4/4

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Hey guys!! Sorry for the late upload. I was editing this chapter. Hope you like like and enjoy!!!!

Adrien's POV

    "Mom?" I say in a shaky voice. She turns to face me and her expression softens.

    "Adrien?" she says in a shaky voice as well. I get up and slowly walk towards her and so does her. She takes her hand and places it on my cheek once close enough "Oh! My precious boy!" She says and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and I hear her sniff. I hug her tighter and cry into her shoulder as I realize that she's real and here.

    "Mom, what- what happened to you? Where did you go? I thought you were dead," I ask too many questions at a time. She pulls away and places her hands on my shoulders.

    "Emilie?" I hear my father's voice from behind me. I turn around and see his eyes are watery.

    "Who are you?" My mom asks as she steps in front of me.

    "Emilie. It's me. Gabriel," he says as he slowly walks up to us.

    "No. You're not. Adrien, do you know him?" She asks me, not removing her eyes from Scarlet Moth.

    "His name is Hawkmoth and he's a villain. He's been trying to take Cat Noir's and Lady...-" I trail off and remember how my mother is here. "Oh, fuck!" I curse too loudly. "No. No, no, no, no, no, no," I repeat and I turn around and run up to LB, who's laying on the floor. I kneel next to her and place her on my lap. She has her normal clothes back on and Tikki and Plagg were right next to her. On her right hand, on her ring finger, is my miraculous. I check her ears and hers are there as well. "Ladybug! Hey! Come on, you're gonna be okay, yeah? Stay with us," I say as I look for her pulse. "Shit! Come on! Mari!" Behind me, I hear my mom gasp.

    "Honey, what happened?" My mom asks me as she kneels next to me.

    "Her name is Marinette. She was also Ladybug and Guardian of the miraculouses." I say in a shaky voice. I have her hand on mine as I check her pulse. There's none.

    "Guardian?" She asks and I nod. "What happened to the other guardian?"

    "You mean, Master Fu?" I ask and she nods. "How do you know him?"

    "I used to own a miraculous. The peacock but it was broken. I thought I could handle them. One day though, I guess my body couldn't handle them and I passed out. And now I'm here...?" she says that last part confused. She then looks at Mari then back at me. "It's because of her, isn't it?"

    "Yeah. And he is my father. Well... not anymore..." I say as I point at Scarlet Moth and then turning my attention back to Mari. "He wanted to bring you back so badly that he nearly killed me and hurt so many people in the process. He kidnapped Mari because she was Ladybug and wanted the miraculouses all to himself. He didn't care about me and was willing to let me die," I said as I cried. "And now a really special girl is gone... again," I said as I pushed her hair aside.

    "Is this true? Gabriel?" My mom asked her husband. From the corner of my eye, I can see my mom getting up and turning to Scarlet Moth. I turn around and watch her as she walks up to him. "Answer me!"

    "Yes. Yes, it is," he confirms and looks down at his feet. My mother scoffs and runs her hand across her mouth. I lay Mari back down on the ground and walk up to my mom.

    "How could you?! I mean what the actual fuck!" My mom curses and keeps running her hands across her hair and face. "I thought our son would be in good hands. I mean you're his father!"

    "I did this for all of us! I wanted you back in our lives! I love you!"

    "If you truly loved me, you would've let me go," my mom says softly but loud enough for my dad to hear. She lets out a breath and rubs her forehead.

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