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Mari's POV

"I think it worked!" a voice said.

"Are we sure? I mean how many times can the ultimate power be used?" another said.

"Not sure, to be honest," the first voice said. "She's waking up!"

With a big gasp of air, my eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up. I'm breathing heavily and I think I'm a bit disoriented. I blink multiple times and look around me as my eyes come into focus.

"Woah! Heyyyyy... Mari. It's me, Adrien. Look at me. It's okay," Adrien's voice said. I looked at him and then everything focused. His green eyes greeted mine and so did a big smile on his face. "Thank God!" He said and hugged me tightly.

"What happened?" I asked a little confused and with no energy.

"You don't remember?" Adrien asked concerned as he pulled away from the hug. I took a look around and then flashes came into my mind.

Hawkmoth kidnapping me. Him being Adrien's father. Natalie helping him. Him sending me to the hospital. Luka finding me. Luka kissing me. Me fighting Lila. Twice! Me sacrificing myself so Adrien can have his mother. ADRIEN'S MOTHER!

"I remember. I remember everything!" I said and got up. I think a little too quickly because the place then started spinning.

"Careful. Please. We just got you back. Again," Adrien says, grabbing my arm. I laugh and he laughs as well. I take another look around me and my eyes land on a familiar face.

"Adrien... is that...?" I start to ask. He let's go of my arm and walks up to hid mother.

"Yep. Mari, I want you to meet, Emilie Agreste, my mother,"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I say, smiling like an idiot.

"The pleasure is mine. Thank you for bringing me to my son. You really didn't have to,"

"He deserves to have his loving mother with him. After having a father like Mr. Agreste... no offense!" I quickly add.

"None taken," she smiles. I return the smile and then... realization hit me. I take a better look at Adrien and he's wearing the purple suit from the unification of our miraculouses.

"How... come I'm here?" I ask slowly. Adrien and Mrs. Agreste look at each other then back at me. "Adrien...?"

"Fine... Natalie came to her senses and apologized for kidnapping you. She apologized to my mom and even my father and me. She left a video for all Paris to see. She wanted you to be here so she gave her life in return for you," he said. I took another look and saw her laying on the ground and a couple of feet away from her was Adrien's father. "He tried running away. My mother stopped him, though," Adrien adds. I simply nod and turn back to Natalie. I slowly walk up to her and kneel next to her.

"Thank you," I say in a shaky voice to her.

"Plagg, Tikki, divide," I hear Adrien say. I get up but don't turn around. I don't know how to process all of this. I don't know how to feel. Yes, I'm grateful for this second chance but at the same time, I wish Natalie was still here. She deserved a second chance. "Mari?" I hear Adrien behind me.


"Are you okay?"

"I don't know," I simply say, my back still towards him. I'm not mad at him or anyone. I'm just so confused n how I should feel.

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