The Great Battle; Part 2/4

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Adrien's POV

    "Lighting Dragon," Ladybug calls out. Dark clouds cover the blue sky and before I know it, Ladybug has turned into lightning and is zapping back and forth. A trail of broken items is left behind her as she moves on to the next akuma. Volpina manages to escape Ladybug's lighting and flies back to the Eiffel Tower. All of the victims, except Volpina, items have been destroyed and Ladybug is back next to me. "Woah!... that... that was a lot of energy," she says as she kneels on the floor. I kneel next to her and watch her carefully.

    "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah... no, yeah, I'm fine,"

    "You sure?" I ask her and as to prove her point, she stands up, nice and tall.


    "Okay. Well, you still need to take care of all of those..." I say as I point to the bunch of akumas flying in the now clear sky. She takes her yo-yo and starts to capture the akumas. I stay right behind her, watching her back. I take a look around and see the people helping each other. Some are looking at me and Ladybug with shock or happy eyes and tears. I see fear in some people so as a hero I must do what a hero must do. "People of Paris... yes, it is me, Cat Noir, but with a little change, temporality. I know you're all afraid but just like last time, do not let fear take over you. And just like last time Ladybug and I will defeat Hawkmoth, but this time, it's for good. Please... go home and stay away from this area. Keep each other safe and again do not let fear overcome you," I finish my hope speech and the people cheer and clap. From the corner of my eye, I see Ladybug land and walk up to me.

    "You know... I think you should give hope speeches more often," she says and laughs. I laugh with her and watch as the people leave. "Okay... now... Volpina and Hawkmoth. How does that bitch always get away?"

    "I don't know, but we'll defeat her and Hawkmoth. Don't worry," I say and she smiles. From the Eiffel Tower, I see Hawkmoth and Volpina. He's throwing a temper tantrum and she just seems pissed off. We climb up there unseen.

    "I will not go down that easily! Volpina! I need to tell you something!" Hawkmoth yells. His face is red and he's breathing super heavily.

    "What is it this time?" she asks, so not into it.

    "Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug," he says, and both Ladybug and Volpina gasp. I turn to look at Ladybug. Her eyes are wide and starting to get watery. She looks at me with terror clearly in her eyes. She looks back at Volpina and Hawkmoth and I follow her gaze. Volpina's face is now red too and anger is clearly displayed on her face.

    "I see it. I now see it. The same hair, eye color, height... her personality does not match though... not even her so-called best friend sees it!" I hear Ladybug sniff and turn my attention to her. She had walked away and was sitting on the floor behind me. I walk up to her and sit next to her. She doesn't look up at me when I sit.

    "I'm so, so, sorry Cat. I... I didn't want you to find out this way. You must be disappointed. I know Lila was..." she says as she lifts her head up to look at me.

    "Ladybug... I am not disappointed and I am so fucking happy that it was you, Mari. I truly am. I'm glad Master Fu chose you. But now... I'm terrified that you might hate me... or my real me I mean," I say as I play with my fingers.

    "Oh Cat... how the fuck can you say that? Whoever you are underneath that mask... I love you for who you are. Master Fu chose us for a reason and I won't judge his choice," she says as she smiles at me. I return the smile and take a deep breath.

    "Adrien Agreste," I say and I hear her gasp.

    "No. Fucking. Way. This is incredible!" she says with a lot of happiness.

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