Chat Blanc

907 22 15

Mari's POV

    When we come out, the park is empty. I can hear the chaos Hawkmoth has brought once again.

    "Ladybug? Ladybug is that you?" a female calls out to me. I turn around and see a girl about my age, maybe a little older.

    "Yes, it's me. Are you okay?" I take a better look at her and I see he has her knees bruised and a little bit of blood coming out. She looks down and shrugs.

    "I'll be fine. How are you here? We thought you were dead,"

    "What? Dead? What do you mean dead? I know Cat thought I was missing but not really. What the fuck happened?" The girl looks sad and confused by what I just said. She doesn't say anything and takes her phone out. She scrolls through it and then turns it to me and Cat.

    "And now a few words from our one and only.... Scarlet Moth!" Nadja or well her akumatized self says. The camera zooms in and focuses on Hawkmoth... Scarlet Moth.

    "People of Paris! Listen up! I have your precious Ladybug! And this time... it will be the last time you see her!" A person is dressed like me, Ladybug, walks in to view. Her face is covered and her hands are behind her back. I gasp at the person next to her.

    "Lila?!" both Cat and I say at the same time. Not her but Volpina. She removes the bag covering the person's face I gasp. She looks exactly like me.

    "How?!" I say.

    "Bring the other imbecile!," Scarlet Moth demands. Jagged and Carla bring what looks like Cat Noir but his face is covered as well. He's kneeled and I can see his hands tied behind him as well. Carla removes the bag from his head and he too looks like Cat.

    "If Lila is alive... that means these are illusions," I look at the girl and she doesn't look convinced.

    "Despair Bear!" Scarlet Moth calls out in the video. The little bear appears and attaches himself to Cat. Carla unties Cat's hands and his right one goes up and his Cataclysm is activated. Oh no! He makes his way towards me. I see myself trying to talk him out of it. Volpina has me kneeled down and Scarlet Moth is helping her keep me down. Cat Noir reaches me and kneels as well in front of me. He then places his hand on my chest. I yell out in pain and in seconds, I'm turned into ash. The little bear releases himself from Cat and walks away. Cat shakes his head and then takes in the scene. I hear him yelling at Scarlet Moth only to be akumatized. The akuma goes into his bell, just like last time. His entire body is covered in that red thing and when it disappears his entire suit is no longer black. He turns to face the audience and he no longer has his green eyes. His suit is completely white and his eyes are a shade of blue. "Cat Blanc! Attack!" Scarlet Moth demands and the white kitty obliges. A white little ball comes out from his pointing finger and throws it. I hear screams and pleas of help. The video ends and I'm speechless.

    "And people believe that?" I hear Cat ask.

    "The destruction is real. I ran away from him. That's why my knees are busted. I was so scared. He was sniffing me when I fell. Said something about the fear and moved a piece of my hair behind my ear. And then he left. I've never seen Cat..." she stops and looks at Cat. "You... like that..." My worst nightmare from that day has finally come true. I walk away from them and take deep breaths.

"Ladybug?" Cat asks me. "What's wrong?" I can't tell him. But I don't like keeping secrets from him. I gather my convince and walk up to the girl.

"Thank you for showing us this. Now... go hide and don't worry... Cat and I will take care of this. Just like we always do,"

"Thanks, Ladybug," she says and I nod. She smiles at me and runs the other direction.

"Ladybug?" Cat calls out to me again.

"I need to tell you something,"

"What is it?" I turn to face him and then our surroundings.

"Not here," I say. I see my house and I make my way there. "Follow me," We go to the roof and enter through the balcony. I land on my bed and get off so Cat can get in. I sit down on a nearby chair and Cat does too.

"So... what is it?" he asks. I take a few deep breaths before I talk.

"Remember that afternoon when I said that 'I did it?'" I ask, hoping to refresh his mind.

"Yeah. I was confused and I didn't know what that meant. Why?" He asks.

"Well, earlier that day... Bunnix... She came to me," I pause before continuing.

"What? Why? What happened?" I look away not wanting to see his reaction.

"I made a mistake which would affect the future... and well... you," I say.

"What kind of mistake? And how?"

"Cat... you... you got akumatized and destroyed all of Paris and nearly ended the world," I say a little fast, still not looking at him.

"I-I was what?" When I do look up at him, his eyes are wide.

"I don't know the reason or how it got to that point but that Cat Noir out there is the same one I fought against. I thought... I thought that if I didn't tell you..." I try to say but to be honest I don't have a reason why I didn't tell him. "I-I don't know," I say and break into tears. I turn away from him and I let my tears drop. "I'm sorry. I know I should've told you. It was wrong and now I know," I say, still not facing him. "I think part of me believed that if you didn't know it would never happen. This was my worst nightmare and seeing you be controlled by evil... I couldn't bear seeing you like that," I say. I hug myself and let my tears fall. I then hear his steps but I still don't turn around. I feel his hand in my shoulder and he turns me around. He doesn't say anything, he just hugs me and I hug him back.

"It's okay, Ladybug. I understand," is all he says. He holds me for a good solid three minutes. The ground shakes again, reminding me of our situation outside. I wipe the trail of tears left on my cheeks and look up at Cat. He looks down at me and asks, "Are you ready to finally end this?" I smile at him and say,

"Let's get this son of a bitch once and for all,"

Hope everyone is doing fine!💖💖

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