A Chance

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Adrien's POV

    When I get home, my mom has made me something to eat. She serves herself a plate and sits next to me.

    "I've been meaning to talk to you about something," she says after taking a sip from her cup.

    "Sure what is it?" I ask, swallowing a piece of food. She's about to speak when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," I say. She smiles and thanks me. I smile back and wipe my mouth. The doorbell rings a second time so I rush a little. I open the door and see Kagami standing there. "Kagami. What are you doing here? You need something?" I ask unsure of how to greet her.

    "Marinette texted me asking me to come over to your house and check on you. I saw you on the news and I immediately knew why,"

    "Oh well thank you and I'll make sure to thank her as well. But come in. My mom and I are eating right now. Would you like to join us?"

    "Oh! Sure!" She says with a bright smile.

    "Cool okay well come on in and take a seat and I'll come back with your plate," I say.

    "Thank you," she says. I guide her to the table and introduce her to my mom.

    "Mom, this is Kagami. Kagami, this is my mom," I introduce them to each other. "I'll be back," I quickly add. I hear them say "nice to meet you" as I'm walking away. I grab a plate and start placing some food on it. I grab a fork, a knife, and a spoon and walk back to the table. I place the plate in front of Kagami and her utensils as well. 

    "Thank you," she says.

    "No problem," I say. I take a quick look at my mom, who's already done eating. What did she want to talk about?

    "Well kids, I'll let you be. Adrien, I'll wash the dishes when you guys are done," she offers.

    "It's okay mom. I can do them. I know you have some... messes to clean up," I say. She smiles and walks up to me and places a quick kiss on top of my head.

    "Thanks, sweetie. I love you. And a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kagami,"

    "The pleasure is all mine," she responds and my mom walks out and into my dad's old office. "So Adrien, how you been?" Kagami asks and places her fork down.

    "I got to be honest... I don't know. My father is locked up in some jail with maximum security, Paris knows about me and Ladybug, my mom is back from the dead or from wherever she was and Natalie gave her life to bring Mari back. I don't know how to feel," I conclude and run my hands through my hair.

    "Thank you for being honest, Adrien, and well... it's okay to not know how to feel. Especially, after everything you two went through. Just know you're allowed to at least let some emotion out. Whether it's anger, sadness, or frustration. Just know they are people here for you. You're not alone," she says and I hear her chair squeak and then I feel her arms around me. I don't look up at her but hug her back and for the first time since the battle with my father, I cried. I tried my best to keep my sobs in but the harder I tried the harder it was. So I just let them out. All my tears, all my feelings, and all of the shit I didn't know I was feeling.

    After some time, Kagami pulls away and looks at me. She wipes my trail of tears from my cheeks and keeps her hand there. Before I know what I'm doing, my lips have found their way to hers. I don't feel her kiss me back but then I feel her arms wrapping around me. She deepens the kiss and I wrap my arms around her. She pulls away and rests her forehead on mine.

    "Adrien," she breathes.

    "Yeah?" I ask her not knowing why she just said my name like that.

    "I love you. I've loved you for a long time. I know you probably don't feel the sam-" I cut her off by kissing her again. I sit her on my lap and place my hand on her cheek.

    "I do feel something, Kagami," I say once I pull away. I move my thumb in circles on her cheek and she closes her eyes. She places her hand on top of mine and smiles.

    "You do?"

    "Yes, and I want to give us a chance. That is if you want to...?"

    "Yes!" She says excitedly and kisses me. She pulls away after a few seconds and says, "We need to clean here," and looks towards the table.

    "Alright then. Let's get to it," I say. We pick up the plates and Kagami offers to wash them. I say no but she insists. I let her wash them and I go to clean the table. I push in the chairs and make sure that there is no food on the floor. I walk back to the kitchen and see Kagami drying her hands. "You good?" I ask her. She puts the towel down and nods.

    "As I'll ever be," she replies. She walks up to me and wraps her hands around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist. "So now what?"

    "I don't know. We could go to my room and watch a movie..." I suggest. She smiles and nods. After checking everything again, we head to my room. "What would you like to watch?" I ask. "I do have Netflix," I add.

    "Is there anything good?" She asks.

    "I'm sure there's something good," I say and turn my TV on and open Netflix.

    "Ohhhhh 'The Kissing Booth,' 'To All The Boys,' and what's 'After?" she asks the minute it pops up.

    "Not sure. Do you want to watch it?" I ask.

    "Sure," she says. I click play on the movie and sit on the couch next to Kagami.

"They are moments in our lives that seem to define us," a female voice says. Another female is walking in what seems to be a forest. This doesn't seem bad to be honest. "My life before him was so simple and decided," she spoke again. The scene changes to a female sitting on top of a man with tattoos and she's slowly moving her hand around his torso.

"Pause it. I want to know what this movie is about," she says. I do as I'm told and look over her shoulder. She's already on Google looking for the "After movie."

"What does it say?"

"Okay, so it says, 'After is a 2019 American romantic drama film...' It's based on a book by Anna Todd. It has the same name. And a sequel to this movie is coming out in 2020. So... very soon maybe,"

"Cool. So want to keep watching?"

"Sure," she responds and I hit play again. Kagami snuggles next to me and I put my arm around her.

    At this point in the movie, Tessa and Hardin are slow dancing. (it was the cutest thing!!). It then cuts to them kissing each other and undressing each other."I want you now," Tessa says to Hardin. The couple just got back from a wedding and now they want each other. Damn.

    "Adrien..." I hear Kagami say. I look down at her and before I know it her lips are on mine and slowly we make our way to my bed.

ONE MORE CHAPTER!!! AHHHH!!!! Sorry for the late upload. Hope y'all enjoyed!

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