please read. pretty important!!!

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hey everyone!!
omg yass i am not dead. pretty much alive!!! i'm currently on my second year of college and holy crap has it been a roller coaster.

anyways as you may have read, this is an important message regarding the sex scene on this book. now i know i'm pretty sure i'm late but i want to make this clear. and before i get into it, sex talk ahead. if you do not know what this is please don't read!!!!

anyways as i was saying.....


i know i have a young audience so i'll explain what it is. CONSENT is giving a verbal yes before performing any sexual activities. consent can be taken back meaning you can change your mind!!! now ik marinette and luka did not say it. i'm was simply stating that they both feel comfortable enough with each other and respected each other enough to do it.

now this does not mean you go and do it too. i mean i'm no one to tell you all how to live your sexual lives but i do want y'all to be safe.

condoms are a effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

normally people reproduce through sex but it can also be for pleasurable reasons.

you you're in middle or above and want some advice on sex or have questions please don't be ashamed or scare to ask.

for anyone with a period, i'm a 19 year old female and i get them too so if you have any questions please comment them and i'll do my best to answer.

i've been writing small stories and i think i might post a them on a different book. what you say?

anyways it late for me and i need sleep. i'll see you all later!

stay safe and happy reading!!

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