Heroes' Day II

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Adrien's POV

    When I come down, Luka is making his way up. He has a cup of water and a sliced apple.

    "She's asleep," I say. He nods and still goes up. Mari's parents are sitting on the couch. I walk towards them and sit down as well. "Don't worry. Luka and I will protect her," I say even though I know she can pretty much defend herself. They don't know that she's Ladybug but if they did maybe they wouldn't have to worry about her. Or not. I mean... Hawkmoth... I mean my father... wants mine and her miraculous. And for what? To bring my mother back. I honestly don't know what to think about it. I don't even know what happened to her, and yet my father wants to bring her home.

    "Adrien?" Luka's voice interrupts my thought. I look up at him and blink a couple of times.

    "Sorry. Lost in thought," I say, and he nods.

    "Can we talk in private?" he asks. I nod and we walk out of the living room. He closes the door and turns to me.

    "What's up?"

    "Did Mari tell you what the lady told her?"

    "Yeah. It was about Lila's father. How he left them and the mother had to raise Lila alone. Mari thinks that she was the way she was because she didn't get the father love that she wanted,"

    "Oh damn," is all he says.

    "I know," is all I say as well. "We need to protect her. No matter what. My father will do anything to get her miraculous and Cat Noir's. We can't let him,"

    "So your not on his side?"

    "Fuck no! I want my mother back so badly but he's doing it the wrong way. Well if she's even alive,"

"I'm sorry, Adrien. I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling. You don't deserve it,"

"Thanks, Luka. I really appreciate it," I say and he places his hand on my shoulder. I start to feel a weird feeling on my stomach and at the same time, the ground shakes. Luka and I look at each other in terror and go back inside.

"I'll go get Mari!" Luka yells. The ground shakes harder and everything that was on the shelves starts to fall and shatter. "Come on! We need to get out!" he yells. Mari looks so terrified and pale. Mari's parents and I follow Luka out. We make it and right after a pile of rocks fall on the entrance. We are all breathing hard and I'm just glad we made it out before that happened.

"Everyone okay?" Mari's dad asks all. We all say yes and nod at the same time. "What the..." he starts again. We look at him but he's looking up at the sky. We follow his gaze and I now understand. Red butterflies fill the blue sky and everyone seems to be running away from them. Oh no!

"Heroes' Day," Mari says. I turn to look at her and nod.

"Didn't it failed or something the first time?" Luka asks.

"Yeah, it did. Why try it again?" Mari asks more to herself than to us. I take a look at the scene and everyone that ever got akumatized is getting akumatized again. Just like last time.

"We need to get away from here," Mari's dad says. We nod and when we turn around to run the other way, a bunch of butterflies are blocking our way. "Guys take care of Mari," he says.

"What?" Mari asks. Luka holds her back just her parents run and scream at the butterflies. They chase them and we run away. "Mom! Dad!"

"Mari! Come on!" Luka says. We go into the sewers and run a little more. We finally stop to catch our breath. I hear a sob and turn to look at Mari. Her eyes are red and glossy.

"Mari..." Luka starts.

"We all could've made it,"

"We don't know that," I say. "Mari... you're the only one who can devilize an akuma. If you get akumatized then there would be no one left to save us," I say.

"I hate being Ladybug sometimes. I can never have a normal life," she says. We all stay quiet and then she speaks again. "But... I do love saving and helping others. I didn't know how much confidence and how strong I was until I became Ladybug. She helped me find my true self. And for that I'm grateful," she says. A little creature comes from behind her and hugs her cheek.


"Oh hi!" she says.


"Oh right! You guys haven't met," Mari says as she wipes her tears. "Luka, Adrien, this is Tikki. My kwami. And Tikki this is Adrien and Luka" she introduces us, but her and I already know each other.

"Nice to meet you," Luka and I say at the same time.

Mari pulls out her phone and opens up the news. Nadja Chamack is already akumatized and is talking about Scarlet Moth.

"It's just like heroes' day," she says.

"What are you going to do?" Luka asks Mari.

"What I always do. Save Paris... and defeat Hawkmoth for good," she says in a sad tone. Luka and I look at each other then back at Mari. "Spots on," and in seconds my all-time crush is standing in front of me. "Stay here. I mean it. I don't want either of you to get hurt or akumatized,"

"But don't you need an army like last time," Luka asks.

"I want to talk to Car Noir first. I want to let him know that I'm okay. Then I'll decide on that," she kisses his cheek then turns to smile at me. "Stay safe,"

"You too," Luka and I say at the same time. She finds the nearby exit and leaves me and Luka alone. Great! Now how am I supposed to get out without telling him?

"So... you're not going after her?" Luka asks. What?

"What?" I say it out loud this time. He laughs and I'm confused, scared, and panicking.

"I know you're Cat Noir," he says. Fuck.

"H-how did you-"

"When Desperada attacked my family and friends. You disappeared and Cat Noir appears. Come on. I'm surprised Ladybug hasn't figured it out,"

"We want to keep it that way. Well her more than me,"

"Why? Because you want to know who's behind the mask?" Oh shit! Does he know about my crush on Ladybug, who happens to be his girlfriend?

"N-no," I try to say with confidence, which I clearly fail at.

"Hey, it's okay,"

"I wanted to talk to her about that. I don't know though,"

"After this nightmare is over, you can talk to her,"

"Wait what? You're not mad? Jealous? You're not going to be that boyfriend?" My mind is raising 100 m/h at this.

"No. I trust her and I know her feelings towards me are real. So no I am not going to be that type of boyfriend," he kindly says. Damn. I'm glad.

"Okay, then. I'll see you out there then. Stay safe,"

"You too," and he runs the other way. Once he disappears I call out,

"Claws out," and go to find m'lady... umm LB. "That's going to take a while to get used to," I think out loud. I leap from ceiling to ceiling and take in the disaster that had once occurred before. "Father... what are you up to?"

Heyyyy!!! How are you guys? Hope y'all are fine.

Today imma erase my other story. Thank you for all the support on that story.

Also I finally finished writing this story!! AHHHH!!!! I can't believe it!! Thank you for all the support on this one as well!!!

Stay safe and healthy!!!💖💖

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