The Great Battle; Part 1/4

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Adrien's POV

    We get out of Mari's house and make our way to the Eiffel Tower... like last time. This is so deja vu. And to make this, even more, deja vu, we land on the same roof where we were on Heroes Day.

    Like last time, Scarlet Moth is on the Eiffel Tower and in front of him are all of the victims he ever akumatized, I think.

    "No. Fucking. Way." Ladybug says as she looks at the crowd through her yo-yo.

    "What?" I ask. She slowly turns her yo-yo towards me and see it immediately. Queen Wasp is back or more like Chloe. "How is that possible? Isn't she in New York?"

    "I don't know but we're in luck. Her waps haven't been released yet,"

    "That's how Scarlet Moth will be able to control all of Paris. He controls the akumatized and Chloe the civilians," I say. She nods as she looks at the crowd. "My question is how the fuck is Lila alive? I heard about her death and how this girl nam-"

    "Marinette. She defended herself because she was trying to kill her. Yeah. I know. I heard about it too." Ladybug says as she looks down at the floor. I know who she truly is and I can't imagine the pain she must be feeling. The thought of killing someone never crossed my mind until right now and seeing that Cat Noir kill Ladybug.

    "If you want... after this, we can go look for Marinette and ask her how she's doing," I suggest.

    "After this..." is all she says. She doesn't say anything else and an alarm goes off. She gathers herself from wherever she was and looks at me. "I need you to promise me that whatever happens out there..." she swallows then continues. "You'll never give up. You will continue to fight for our city." She takes my hands into hers and looks me in the eyes.

    "What are you talking about? Ladybug... nothing bad is going to happen. I promise you that," I promise and take her hands into mine. I watch her carefully and see her bottom lip tremble.

    "Promise me..." she says in a shaky voice. I nod and she nods in return. "Okay," she says and I let go of her hands. I wanted to kiss her but she has someone else in her life and I wouldn't feel comfortable with that thought. "You ready?"

    "Ready as I'll ever be," I say. She stands up and I follow right after her. "Scarlet Moth!" He turns around and so do all of the akumatized people.

    "How?!" He tries his best to sound surprised but fails.

    "Cut the crap! I know you used Volpina's illusions to make the people believe Cat was akumatized and I was dead!"

    "And anyway she's supposed to be dead!" I add.

    "She was saved. The cut wasn't deep enough to hurt any of her inside organs and she didn't lose a lot of blood. I was able to convince a doctor to tell her mother she was dead and gave them a fake body of Lila. I took her in and made sure that no one else knew but me," and right on cue, Volpina walks up next to Scarlet Moth.

    "I will make that little bitch pay!"

    "In time, Volpina, but for now... maybe taking on Ladybug will make you feel a little bit better?" he asks her and she smirks. Before I have to react, she's already charging at Ladybug. I dodge her but Ladybug not so much.

    "Ladybug!" I yell and run to help her only to be stopped by Cat Blanc. "Oh for fuck's sake!" He doesn't say anything but smirks. A little white ball appears on his finger and throws it at me. I dodge it but can't say the same for the wall that it hit. It collapses and I take in the mess. "Ladybug! She's way stronger than before! Be careful!" I warn her. She doesn't reply but I hope she did hear me. He charges at me again and I push him. "They are real. I can physically touch him," I say to myself. I look around and see that Ladybug is gone. "Come on! Focus! You have your own battle here!" He fires multiple times at me and dodge them all. I make my way to the top of the Eiffel Tower and he follows along. "I was right. She's more powerful, but I wasn't expecting real life illusions!" I say as I dodge more white balls. Just as I reach the top, I am greeted by Dark Cupid, Sandboy, Stormy Weather 2.0, and Cat Blanc. "I hope Ladybug is doing a better job than me,"

Mari's POV

    "Ladybug!" I hear Cat yell. Before I can get up, Volpina is charging at me again. 

    "I'll kill you first then Marinette!" she yells at me. From afar, I think I hear Cat's voice again but I'm not sure.

    "Wind Dragon!" I yell and in seconds Volpina is on the floor and I'm three feet away from her. I take my sword out and wait for her move.

    "You may have an update but you're no match for my illusions," she says. She plays a couple of notes on her flute and a bunch of Volpina's appear around her. I throw my yo-yo at one of them and it wraps around her.

    "What the-" I say and the illusion pulls at the string. I fall on my stomach but get up again and unwrap my yo-yo.

    "Scarlet Moth made my illusions real. Only I can undo them. Fascinating, isn't it?" all of the Volpina's say at the same time. "Now which one of us is the real one?" they say again.

    "Ugh if one wasn't enough," I say in disgust. One comes at me and then the rest follow. I use my sword to block all of their attacks. Before I realize what the fuck I'm doing, I'm having a sword battle with all of the Volpina's. I'm blocking attacks left and right. Okay, I think that the training I did with my mom is finally paying off. I block an attack only to be knocked off my feet by another one. Annnd I spoke too soon. The one that knocked me off, which I'll call Volpina 2, steps on my right hand and another hold down my left hand. "Let me go," I say as I struggle with my hands. Volpina 2 steps harder into my wrist and I let go of my sword.

    "What a shame. I really thought we could be friends," she says as she picks up my sword.

    "I'll pass thank you very much," I say as I follow her every move. She then walks up to me and stands in front of me, pointing my sword at me (too many "me"😂).

    "I'm going to kill you and give Hawkmoth your miraculous," she says in an icy tone as she brushes the point of the sword around my cheek and guides it down my neck.

    "You're gonna wish you could. Water Dragon,"

    "Fuck!" I hear Lila curse as I get away from her.

    "Wind Dragon!" I call out and circle around the too many Volpinas. They get trapped into the big tornado I'm forming and I take my chance to wrap them into my yo-yo. As the wind and dust settles, I walk around the Volpinas and break their jewelry or any other item they may have. "Fuck! You've got to be kidding me!" I say as I break the last item on the last Volpina. The illusions disappear and I wrap my yo-yo around my waist. I pick up my sword as well and place it behind my back.

    "Ladybug!" I hear Cat's voice from behind me. I turn around and I see his face all brushed and a bloody mouth and nose.

    "OMG Cat! What happened?" I ask as I take his face into my hands. I touch one of his injuries and he whines. "Sorry,"

    "It's fine. I was fighting too many villains at a time. I manage to get away and handle them at the beginning but I couldn't anymore," he says as he examines my face. "I mean you got yourself some bruises as well,"

    "I do?" I ask. He points to his forehead and left cheek. I go to touch and I feel a little bit of blood and pain.

    "Now what? Volpina is way too strong and there are too many akumas for the two of us. We can't even take on them with our upgrades," he says as he faces the army of akumas walking towards us. Volpina is among them.

    "Well, I haven't tried lighting... maybe I can use it and break items faster... you know?" I suggest.

    "Will it work?" he asks, concerned.

    "One way to find out,"

Hey guys!!! So I started online school and it's pretty good so far...

Hope all of u are well and safe!💖 thank you for reading and the support! Love you all💖💖

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