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I just want to say thank you all for all of the positive comments and reviews this book has gotten. Sorry it's a bit late. I'm baby sitting and well it's hard to keep an eye on the clock and two babies 😂 Also i hope everyone is staying home and safe. enjoy the chapter!

Adrien's POV

It's the following day and Alya called me to go to Luka's house. School is closed due to the disappearance of Marinette. I'm getting ready, hoping my father will let me go. Once I was ready I walked out of my room and headed to his office. As I'm getting closer, I heard voices.

"She needs to go to the hospital. We need to know exactly how many ribs she has broken." an unknown female voice said. "Isn't she..?" then silence. I got closer to the room but not too close. I don't want my father or Natalie catching me here. "Okay. I promise! I won't talk!" she said again. "I work in a hospital. I can get her in there without anyone asking questions. I'll take care of her personally. No one will know."

"Natalie, do you know if my son has left the house?"

"I'll go check his room," and I rushed to the dining hall. I sat there, pretending I've been there the whole time. I didn't have any tray of food in front of me. I'll come up with something. "Adrien?" she called out.

"In here," I called back. I heard her footsteps and then she was at the door. "Do I have anything in my schedule?"

"No. It's clear today also. How about you go out with your friends? I'll let your father. Be home by nine," she said. I love Natalie and my father but from the conversation that I just heard, they're hiding something and they don't want me to know. I now don't even know if to trust them! 

"Okay. Thank you!"

"Are you leaving right now?" she asked me.

"No, I'm meeting my friends in an hour. Why? You need my driver?" I asked her.

"Actually yes. Would you mind? It shouldn't take long,"

"Sure. I'll be in my room," I said. I made my way upstairs and I heard her footsteps then the door of my father's office door open and close. I reached the top and hid. I looked up and the portrait of me and my father was in front of me. What is he hiding? More like who's he hiding? Did he threaten the women?

I heard the door open and I popped my head out. My father, Natalie, and another female came out. My father and the other person we're carrying what looked like a cot. Whoever this person was, it was covered from head to toe.

"We don't forget anything?" my father asks.

"No sir," Natalie answered.

"Let's go. She's really not looking good," the female said. They hurried and took the girl out. A girl... I hurried to a window saw them get in and drive off. I turned to his office and the door was not closed fully. I made my way there, mentally preparing myself just in case I find something that I might not like. I stepped in and everything looked normal. I looked around as I walked around. In the center of his office, there is a square couch with purple-ish seats. My eyes landed on a piece of clothing that looked familiar. I walked towards it and picked it up. I examine it closely.

"Let me smell it," Plagg said. He flew around it as he was sniffing it. A gasp escaped his mouth. "You're not going to believe me but this is Marinette's," he said. I looked at the clothing closer and realized it was from her. Her gray blazer with rolled-up sleeves was in my house! "Adrien, if her blaze is here, then that means that the girl that they took out was..."


Marinette's POV


    A bright light shined above me. I blink twice and turn around. There's a woman in white clothing next to me. She turns to look behind me then speaks,

    "Tell me your name," she said.

    "Where am I?" I ask her.

    "You're in a nearby hospital. You have two broken ribs. It will take about 6-7 weeks for them to heal properly." She paused and looked at the door. She whispered, "I'm being threatened to keep you here. I can call for help if you want. Social Services?" My eyes widened and tried to set-up only to be knocked down by a wave of pain. "Please do not try to get up. You don't want to hurt yourself more." She turned her attention to the door. She pulled a nearby chair and sat down. "Do you want me to call the police?" she asked. I looked at her and debated whether to ask for help or not.

    "Don't worry about me. I don't want you getting in trouble or hurt," I told her. This was a fight that I need to fight alone. I don't want anyone getting into this. She was going to say something when there was a knock on the door.

    "One moment," she called out. She took one last look at me and then got up and put the chair back in its place. "I'm sorry. They told me to," and took out a piece of clothing. She placed it around my eyes. I didn't fight. It would be useless, especially with two broken ribs. I felt her strapping my hands and feet. Oh for fuck's sake, it's not like I'm gonna run away. Well, it could be a possibility. "Come in," I heard her say. I heard steps then the door closed.

    "How long will she be here?" I hear a male voice say. Hawkmoth.

    "Maybe 6-7 weeks," the nurse replied.

    "Can't you do surgery and fix them faster?!" he yelled.

    "It's not as bad but it did affect her. I think it's better to keep her here and watch her closely," she said.

    "If it's for her own good, then fine. I'll send my assistant later today and tomorrow to check on her and how she's doing," I hear steps again and the door open and close. I hear the nurse crying.

    "Are you okay?" I ask her. I was still blindfolded. I heard her sniff.

    "Yeah I am," and my blindfold was removed. I blinked twice and saw her removing my straps on my hands and feet. "Please let me help you. You can't return to him. You don't deserve this,"

    "Ma'am, you don't understand who he truly is. I can't tell you because you could be in more danger. And because this is my battle to fight alone. I can't put more lives at risk," I said without looking at her. She nodded.

    "I understand. Please be careful," and left my room. I laid on my bed, not knowing what to do. I looked out the window but the blinds were spread. Great. I can't even look out at the sun. I then closed my eyes.

    "Please Cat Noir. Find me and save me," and felt a teardrop slide down my left cheek.

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