Chapter 9

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*wow you guys rlly want this update,lol
Love you all❤️❤️*

"Jian get in the pool" Sam called, I laughed, I walked to the edge of the pool and looked down at the crystal blue water, I've always had a fear of deep water but never had the courage to tell anyone. I took a step forward and slipped in the pool, i heard laughing from the surface and saw this person come swimming down. It was Jc. He grabbed me from behind and pulled me up. Why I finally could breath I began to pant. I looked at jc's brown eyes and kissed him passionately. "Get a room Jesus." Sam screamed out. I laughed and jc planted me on the edge of the pool. He gave me a wink and dove back into the water. I looked over and saw Connor watching everyone on the pool chair. I got up and walked towards him, "hey con." I waved and sat down next to him. "Hey, Kiki" he said with no emotion. "You Ok." I asked. I watched as year drops feel on his chest, he shook his head. "Con please you can tell me." He looked at me and then shook his head, "I don't think I could do that." He croaked. I held his hand, "yes con you can please your my best friend." I assured. He smiled but it faded in seconds. "We'll," he began, "I think Troyes cheating on me."

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