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"alright," i let out a breath as i tied my hair back, "let's do this."

the word document was open, empty, and ready to be written on, but i just couldn't think of anything to write about. i groaned loudly, tossing my head back, hoping a good idea would come to mind.

"what's wrong?" nate peeked his head into the living room where i was sitting on his couch.

"i have no idea what to write about in my english essay for finals!"

"well, what do you have to write about?" he asked, walking over and sitting down next to me.

"something that you're interested in." i sighed.

"so, what? you're not interested in anything?", he didn't give me a chance to respond, "besides sex?"

"nate! i'm not all about sex! why am i even here? all you do is annoy the crap out of me." i slammed my macbook closed in a fit of rage and stress.

"ever since sophmore year i've absolutely tried my best to avoid you, and i thought maybe once we got older things would change. but they never did, and now i'm in your house, stressing over a damn assignment, without jack or sammy here, and a freakish mom at home with a new boyfriend! i don't need anything more to make my life even worse than it already is so far!" my voice cracked at the last word.

tears were forming at the brim of my eyes, i had too many things going on at once and i guess i was breaking and i didn't even know it.

"nevermind, i'm leaving." i mumbled, wiping a tear and making my way to the door.

"wait, hold up a minute!" nate called out, running after me. he grabbed my wrist so i couldn''t open the door.

"are you ... are you crying?" he bent his knees to get more on my level.

i turned my head so he couldn't see me, i didn't want him to see me like this.

"rilee, look at me." he placed a finger under my chin and i looked up at him, finally.

"what's gotten into you? you're the toughest bitch i've ever met, and here you are in front of your ex, crying about your two best friends."

i cringed. he said it. he said the word 'ex'.

i wished he would've forgotten we ever had a thing when i was in tenth grade, but only for the sake of jack and sammy. they knew nate and i had somewhat of a crush on each other, but they never knew what we did behind their backs.

it didn't last long between us, we were too different. we clashed all the time, that's what lead us to the relationship we have now.

"i'm fine." i mumbled.

"no you aren't, tell me what's bothering you."

my heart was pounding so fast and hard, i swore that was the only thing we both heard in his quiet house.

"i already told you what's bothering me.", i turned to leave once again but his grip on my wrist tightened, "let me go, nate!"

"you can't drive when you're upset." his voice was low.

"i've done worse while crying."

"oh yeah, like what?" his figure towered over me and his cold fingers dug into my skin.

"nate, i have to go." my voice was hoarse as i watched my shaky hand grip the door knob.

something was holding me back from leaving but i wasn't quite sure what it was. it felt like i was missing something, and not in the sense of what you might think i mean. in all honesty, i didn't want to go.

"rilee,", nate whispered and i turned back around to look him in the eyes, "...i miss you."

it felt like a million seconds past before i realized what i needed before leaving. ... him.

his thumb rested on my cheek and now both of our hearts were racing. i watched as his lips slowly came in contact with mine, but it wasn't a kiss. they just rested there for not even a second. it felt like a tease, but i knew why he held off from doing more.

he wasn't a minor anymore, and i still was. nate knew i was in love with both jack and sam, he didn't want to interfere or play with my emotions.

he pulled away leaving me breathless, and i could tell by the look in his eyes that he was heart broken. he felt as if he couldn't have me, almost like it was forbidden.

"i'll drive you home." his voice was barely audible as he grabbed his phone.

i stepped aside and he opened the door and walked outside to my car without a word to me, but i followed.

"thanks for driving me." i spoke for the first time in the car once we pulled into my driveway, but then it dawned on me ... how is he gonna get back home?

"um, nate? how did you plan on getting back home when we took my car?" i asked slowly, realizing how stupid we both were.

"i'll walk, i guess."

things were now completely awkward, and i didn't like it one bit. although i insisted to drive him back home, he said he was fine and started to walk back by himself.

sighing, i opened my front door to see my mom and ryan both cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

"ah, you're home! just in time, the party starts in fourty five minutes." my mom smiled at me.

i completely forgot about this dumb memorial day party, thing. "great." i faked a small smile, before running up the stairs and into my room.

i belly flopped on my bed and took out my phone, there was a text from nate that i missed exactly two minutes ago.

2:45 pm nate// for your essay, write about drugs in an anon type way. like, they don't exactly know what you're talking about, but really you're talking about pot. haha, good, right?

i rolled my eyes with a little smile, nate was definitely a strange guy, but his idea was actually pretty good.

2:47 pm (rilee)// i kinda like that. thanks, fuckboy.

2:47 pm nate// don't think i still don't hate you by the way.

2:48 pm (rilee)// same goes for you. did you get home, yet?

2:49 pm nate// oh, no. i saw a squirrel and got distracted so now i'm walking again. but i should be home in a few minutes.

2:49 pm (rilee)// omg you're so stupid.


ew omf why did i end it like this? guys akshodosnfjnsk !!

okay, whatever.

probably weren't expecting all this though, right? ;) but don't worry your little ass', nothing's gonna happen between them, okay? okay.

vote & comment please ♥

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