| twenty seven |

490 21 3

kind of a long update, but make sure you read it ALL

one week later

rilee's point of view

sammy had basically pushed me into the car with jack just so we could talk on the way to the grocery store.

"alright look," i sighed, turning down the volume on the radio, "you haven't talked to me since the night of that party. why did this affect you so much? do you hate me now or something?"

jack kept his eyes on the road as if i was invisible in the passengers seat.

"jack, please."

"i don't hate you." he rasped, "i hate myself."

"what? why?"

"even though you weren't pregnant, you could've been. and it would've been my fault that you ended up pregnant at eighteen."

"but jack, i was never pregnant. you're living with this regret for no reason."

"rilee...", he sighed, slowing down the car and pulling over to the side of the road, "think about it. you didn't even have the guts to tell me about it."

"i was going to. ive told you that so many times." i argued back.

"that's not the point. what im saying is that, somewhere deep inside you're afraid of me."

i shook my head in denial, "that's not true..."

"you're afraid of going somewhere without me or sam. but then, i think you're also afraid of us, because deep down you think we're controlling you." jack spaced out, his eyes looking off into the distance outside.

"rilee, i've ruined you."

our eyes met for the first time in days. they looked so different.
they were bloodshot and filled with anger and hurt.

and in that moment, i couldn't help but agree that everything he was saying was completely true.

"i've messed up plenty of times, i get it. but ... i don't want to lose you."

sammy's point of view

"hello?" i picked up the house phone, out of breath.


"yeah. miss hope?"

"that's the one. is rilee there? ryan and i need to talk to her about something."

"u-uh not at the moment. she and jack are out getting groceries."

"are you okay? you seem sorta out of breath."

"oh yeah, im fine. just finished mowing the lawn."

"aw. you're such a young adult!" she gushed from the other line.

"well, more like watching nate struggle to mow the lawn ... but hey, i'll take it." i teased.

"now that sounds more like the sam wilkinson i know. anyway, tell rilee i called, alright?"

"of course. bye." i smiled and then disconnected the call.

rilee's point of view

"okay, we need salad, steak, hamburger buns, strawberries, chicken nugget-"

"oh my gosh! rilee..jack?!" someone said from behind us.

we both turned around at the same time and to our surprise, it was the brighton twins. chloe and claire.

"hi! wow, long time no see!" i smiled.

"how're you two?" chloe asked.

"great, we're doing great. got our own place along with sam, johnson and nathan maloley." jack pulled a fake smile since he wasn't completely feeling this moment.

"ah. the same crew." claire smiled at him and then shot me a glare.

i let out a fake giggle, grabbing jack's arm, "well we'll definitely have to catch up sometime!"

"yeah of course!" chloe grinned, "talk to you then."

i pulled jack and the cart he was pushing a little too hard so we could get away from them.

"what was that for?" he asked, recovering himself from almost tripping over own feet.

"claire still has a thing for you and she still obviously doesn't like me. so, instead of sharing some bad vibes, i ended the conversation." i smiled to myself, while picking out the best pack of steaks.

"did you get my reese's puffs?" jack j asked me as soon as i walked through the front door.

"yes, jack. i got your favorite cereal." i sighed sarcastically, placing the bags on the dining room table.

"now that we're home, im going to take that nap i wanted before you manhandled me into the jeep." i said, eyeballing sammy.

"oh wait." he said, stopping me from walking up the steps.

"what?" i groaned sleepily.

"your mom and ryan wanted to talk to you."

"uugh! why don't you just kick me out of the house while you're at it!" i raised my voice a little.

"awww, is someone pms'ing." jack j pouted.

i sent him a death glare, "is someone looking to get thrown out of a moving car and go tumbling down a thirty foot cliff?"

"uh...nate? maybe you should drive her to her moms house." sammy suggested with wide eyes.

"good idea. she shouldn't be driving with this type of rage." he nodded, placing his hands on my shoulders and guiding me to the front door.

"you didn't have to drive me." i rolled my eyes, unbuckling my seat belt as we sat in my moms driveway.

"oh well. your daddy made me." nate winked.

"i will never call anyone daddy." i said as i stepped out of the car.

"whatever, riles. call me once your done and i'll come pick you up."

i nodded before walking up to the front door.

"ITS OPEN!" i heard my mom yell from inside.

"okayyy, what's the big news?" i asked, feeling the air conditioning as i walked over to the kitchen.

"we wanted to tell you this in person, rilee." ryan smiled, placing his arm around my moms waist.

my eyebrows furrowed, "oh god. please don't tell me you're having a baby."

"we're not." my mom giggled, "but ... we did get married."



hi babes !!!
so, none of you answered the question i had on my last update, ( pfft, okay. fine. be like that )
but i ended up picking the title for the 3rd book anyway.

& i feel like you all are gonna hate me for who im picking rilee to end up with.
oh well.

& comment if you're excited for the 3rd book, AND MESSAGE ME ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE FOR IT !!!

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