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my heart was racing so fast as i stood with my cap and gown, waiting for my name to be called up on stage to receive my diploma. i couldn't wrap my head around the thought that i was actually graduating. finally graduating.

all those years starting in kindergarten and going through another twelve just to throw this little hat up in the air seems unbelievably stupi-

"rilee hope."

my heavy heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and i felt like i was going to throw up. my shaky and not to mention sweaty, hands gripped the banister of the stairs that lead me up on to the stage. "congratulations." the lady spoke with a huge smile on her face.

she placed the diploma in my hand and my fingers automatically gripped around the rolled paper. i slightly nodded my head at her as a gesture. when i walked back into the swarm of my classmates, i swore i could hear almost every mother here bawling their eyes out.

it felt like slow motion as my eyes wandered the crowd, all our hats being thrown up into the air. as much as i hated most of these conceited bitches, they were all like my second family. and i guess, i might just miss them. it's just life from here on and out. all the things that seemed like the biggest deals in the world two years ago, are practically little specks of nothing anymore.

like when i failed that history test in fifth grade, or when i accidentally walked into the guys bathroom once in seventh. or all those times my lead pencil would run out of lead...they are just memories now, not life changing things that people will remember you by.

ah, but now that there aren't anymore 'school nights', everyday has just become a friday night.

"i am so fucking tired, i am sleeping for three days, goodnight." i reached over sam on my bed and grabbed my cheetah patterned blanket to cuddle with.

"not so fast, princess. we were just about to plan our future." jack g held up a finger.

i glared at him, "planning the future of our lives is just a little bit too much to do the day of our graduation, don't you think?" i closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to fall into a deep sleep.

silence fell in the room for a good minute or two until it clicked that, that was very odd considering my two loud and obnoxious best friends were still here.

i opened one of my eyes to see both sammy and jack staring down at me with crossed arms. i groaned, pulling the blanket over my head, "what do you guys waaant?"

"lets get her." sam said and i felt four large hands wrapping around my body, lifting me off the bed.

i let out a small shriek and quickly gripped on to gilinsky, feeling as if they were going to drop me.

"alright, now let's go house hunting." sammy mumbled to himself, walking out of my bedroom.

i groaned again, placing my head on jack's shoulder as he carried me with him, following sammy. "house hunting? already? remind me why i stay friends with you guys?" i asked, being plopped into a swirly chair in my mom's office.

"because our dick game is too strong." jack shrugged.

i let out a giggle as sammy ignored jack, and began to type in 'zillow' on the computer.
"now all we have to do is search up houses here in omaha. pretty easy, right?" sam asked, his arms over my shoulders and hands on the keyboard.


"yes it is. here..." sam typed in Omaha Nebraska and a bunch of houses for sale came up on the listing.

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