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sam's point of view

my thumb repeatedly clicked the pen as i racked my brain of ideas on planning rilee's surprise party.

"can you please stop doing that." jack g spoke, with clear annoyance his voice from across the coffee table in rilee's living room.

"it helps me think." i mumbled, clicking the pen faster than before.

"you have nothing on your paper!" jack yelled, standing up from the couch.

"i've got it!" rilee's small voice screamed with excitement from upstairs, followed by her footsteps running down the staircase.

"got what?" i quickly shoved the pen and paper until a pillow since it was titled,

Rilee's Surprise Party

"a house! we're buying it!" her eyes were lit with more excitement than from prom night.

"you just told us a week ago that you were done looking for houses." jack chuckled, walking over to her.

"exactly, that was a week ago..." rilee looked up into his eyes, and then back down to the printed paper, "but look! it reminds me of your house!" she shoved the paper into jack's hands, staring at him with puppy dog eyes.

i watched her from the couch, my eyes traveling up body staring down at her perfectly soft looking legs, her black, studded, high waisted shorts, the muscle tee she wore that had printed, 'cool story bro' in black writing.

her hair was over her shoulders in gorgeous curls, her defined jawline and cheekbones stood out to me. her eyes that changed from brown to green in different lighting were beautiful, you could get lost in them.

god, i loved her so muc-

"wanna see it, sammy?" she beamed over to me.

"u-uh yeah.." i scooted over on the sofa, patting my thigh for her.

she made her way over, sitting across my legs. i took the paper in my hand, the house was honestly very nice looking from the outside.

"can we go for an open house?" she whispered into my collar bone as her head lay upon my shoulder.

"yeah, sure, baby girl...but-"

"but what?" her head shot up, our eyes locking.

"your birthday is in nine days. what do you want for a birthday present?" i grinned, repostioning ourselves so she was underneath me on the sofa.

"hm...i dont really know." she sighed through her words, outlining the hem of my t-shirt with her fingers.

"oh, i know," jack said from the kitchen with a mouth full of strawberries, "a giftcard to victoria's secret. or vs pink."

"or birthday sex." i winked down at her.

"or a puppy." she smiled innocently up at me.

"what are you, a ten year old?" i chuckled, sitting back up.

"maybe." she smirked, scooting her butt back to the arm of the couch so she could face me.

"damn, wilkinson. you've been fucking a ten year old?" jack walked back over us, biting into another strawberry.

"you've fucked her too!" my arms shot up, like in some sort of diffense mode.

"ugh, can you guys stop talking about sex? my mom just pulled into the driveway." rilee pointed out the window.

jack and i's attention flew to where she pointed, to indeed see her mom pulling into the driveway.

"we'll get her a pink giftcard." jack stated as if it was our final decision, standing up to throw away the strawberry stem.

"i still like the idea of birthday sex, though." i shrugged, following him.

rilee's point of view

i surpressed a laugh, rolling my eyes, hearing what sammy had just said. hopping of the couch, i walked over to the front door, and opened it.

"need some help?" i yelled to my mom who was grabbing grocery bags out from the trunk of the car.

"yes, thank you!" she called back to me.

i ran down the path that lead up to our house and over to the driveway. "are sammy and jack here?" she asked once i picked up two bags.

i gave her a confused look, "yeah, why?"

"i can smell their cologne on you." she giggled.

i let out an awkward laugh, "..-o-oh, thats not creepy at all.."

"but guess what?!" i said to my mom as we walked into the kitchen.

"what?" she asked, with a smile on her face waiting for me to continue.

"we found a house! and this time it has four bedrooms, not only two."

she let out a gasp, "that's great! are you all gonna go take a look at it today?"

"yes we are!" sammy came out of no where, pretending to slam dunk over my head.

"annd...we're gonna go right now!" jack walked out from around the hallway, "yup, let's go." he grabbed both of sammy and i's hands, pulling us out the door and to his jeep that was parked in front of my house.

"what's up with you?" i groaned, getting loose of jack's grip, and climbing into the back seat.

"we had to leave." he said, turning the keys in the ignition.

"why so suddenly?" sam asked in the passengers seat, fixing his wind blown hair.

"i clogged your toilet." jack mumbled his words together, and said it in a weird accent that reminded me of the drake and josh episode where they impersonate doctors in the hospital and josh says, "i kissed your wife."

"ew, you're disgusting!" i laughed from behind him.

sammy chuckled, stretching his arms out with a yawn, "ah...well.. i still vote birthday sex for your present, rilee."

and that earned him a hard smack to the head.



ANYWAY ... comment and vote please, please, my loves :)

beyond thankful for you all, much love xx

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