| twenty one |

434 21 6


rilee's point of view

jack, nate, and i came face to face with kayla and sammy in the hallway upstairs.

i was debating if i should slap her across the face or run like a wimp.


"sam, it's nothing. do whatever you want. i can't control your actions." i cut him off.

kayla's bitch smirk wouldn't seem to fade away and it started to make me uncomfortable.

"c'mon, jack. let's go." i said, grabbing his arm, giving sam and kayla one last stare before walking down the steps.

"we can leave if you want. i think rebecca and johnson left a couple minutes ago." jack told me.

i shrugged, "it's not really fun here anymore, so i guess ..."

he gave me a small smile, taking my hand to walk us out to his car, that was parked further down the street in the long row.

"i seriously bet kayla is a prostitute, and only the kids at her fancy little college know about her job. that's how she affords all her makeup and oversized bras." i mumbled angrily.

jack chuckled, listening to my rant.

"and i bet she's had sex with people before she became a prostitute and that was before she knew about condoms. you know, she's probably gotten pregnant before," i giggled, "but had an abortion."

i sighed, "man, im glad i didn't have to go through an abortion. almost being pregnant was enough-..."

jack stopped walking, and i stopped breathing.

did i seriously just blurt out that I could've been pregnant?

"you what?" his eyebrows furrowed, dropping my hand.

i swallowed a large lump in my throat.

"you thought you were pregnant and didn't even tell me?" jack's teeth were gritted together.

"i was going to tell both you and sammy...i just didn't know when.."

"when did you take the tests?" he asked.

"a few weeks ago a-at rebecca's ... they were negative and i ended up just b-being late ..."

"and what if you were pregnant, rilee? huh? would you have told us then? would you have taken one of those tests to see who's child it was?", he stepped towards me, gripping my shoulders, "tell me it could've been my baby."

i don't know if it was the 1am sky making jack's eyes a puddle of only darkness, or if he was just extremely angry with me right now.

"i don't know who's baby it could've been! it's not like i was pregnant and had a miscarriage, jack! there was no child inside of me!" i cringed at my last sentence, "look ... i know you're mad, and im sorry i didn't tell you sooner but, can we just go home and sort this out tomorrow morning?"

i watched jack's jaw clench, again.
he released my shoulders from his grip, "no."


"jack and rebecca left in his car, and im leaving in my car. screw sam and his hormones! screw nate and his drinking problem!"

"don't say it .." i pleaded into his eyes.

"and screw you for not telling me about your "almost pregnancy"!" jack walked backwards to still face me.

"it's not my fault i was scared!" i yelled, taking a few steps to catch up with him.

"and it's not my fault you're such a slut."

i felt my stomach drop. my throat tightened trying to hold in the tears. i wanted to throw up at the same time.

jack never called me a slut before, and meant it, as an insult.

"slut?!," i cried out, "who's the one that came up with this arrangement with sam and no strings attached?!"

"doesn't matter anymore." jack hopped into his jeep and started the engine.

"YOU'RE LEAVING ME HERE?!" i yelled.

all i got was a nod from him.


"you'll figure something out!" he said, driving right past me and down the street.

i watched his taillights disappear, standing on the side of the road with a ruined dress and smeared makeup.

i walked back to the driveway and then remembered sammy wasn't on my side anymore, and nate was completely wasted.

i had to walk home.
in the middle of the night.
as a girl.
in a dress.




so, comment if you want chap. twenty two up today ¿😌👅


school starts in two weeks omgomg

if you already started school, remember to be the baddest bitch, and slay those hallways,
and if you haven't started school yet, remember to be the baddest bitch and slay those hallways.


*gif was being tricky so no media once again* :((

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