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i zoned out during the whole dumb memorial day party thing. it was stupid and a waste of time in my opinion. my thoughts wondered as i watched my mom and ryan clean up the food outside. it was a constant loop of stress, affection, and confusion.

"rilee, you okay?" my mom looked over at me and i jumped slightly from being brought back into reality.

"y-yeah...i'm gonna go um,-" i picked at my nail polish, "just...bye." i quickly mumbled and ran around the side of the house, jumping into my car.

i drove off to insanity, where our whole "squad" goes to smoke. when i arrived at the abandoned building, i began to walk behind it and towards the gated area where we'd all sit. a warm breeze of wind swept over me as i opened the metal gate door.

no, i wasn't going to get high - not alone. that'd be more stupid than nate's logic on grammar.

i just wanted to sit and think. think about all the shit happening in my life at the moment.

maybe i am over reacting...

i leaned against the gate, sliding down to the ground on my butt.

my mom can date whoever she wants, whenever she wants. and of course i want her to be happy. it's just hard on me....wow i sound selfish. gilinsky is pretty selfish too. god, i miss him. i miss sammy just as much. i wonder if they're having a good time with taylor and dill- okay, what the hell, my mind wonders so quickly.

it wasn't until i realized i've never come here alone, when the sound of a bottle cap hit the ground from afar.

i immediately jumped to my feet with my heart pounding out of my chest. an unfamiliar drunk laugh rang through the air.

oh shit shit shit, this is it, you're gonna be jumped and then they're gonna kill you, rilee.

i slowly opened the gate-door, hoping it wouldn't squeak, but just my luck, it did. i bit my lip as i stepped out of the gated area and twisted my body so i wouldn't bump the door.

footsteps crept closer and i turned to face the direction they came in, which is exactly the way i need to leave. what looked like a gang of four guys, stepped around the corner of the building.

i was spotted.

please just take my purse and not my virginit- oh wait, you can't because i'm not a virgin anymor-

"hey, girl." one of the guys winked at me.

and the cat-calls begin.

i ignored him and continued to walk in my own path, praying they'd leave me alone.

"wanna come hang with us?"

i clenched my car keys harder, and placed them in between my knuckles as a weapon for protection.

"hey, i asked you a question." the one guy that clearly was not drunk, took a step towards me.

jack g's point of view

us four had just gotten done eating an early dinner which consisted of pizza, fries, and soda.

i'd tried to call rilee at least an hour ago, but she didn't answer, making me think she was either busy or it was on silent and she didn't hear it.

as if on que, my phone began to ring. i dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone;

Nate Maloley

"what's up, bro?" i answered.

"g, i have rilee at my house. i called her and she didn't answer, so i got a little paranoid and went to insanity, thinking maybe she'd be there and she was. but i got there right in time since these drunk guys sort of had her pinned against the wal-"

"what happened?" i snapped quickly, my heart racing.

i swear, if they touched my baby...

"nothing. i got her. she's fine. she's asleep in my room right now, but she's really jumpy at every small touch. i was hoping maybe if she talked to you she'd feel bette-"

"i'm coming back." i stated, standing up from the kitchen table in dillion's house. my eyes were locked with sam's as his face changed from smiling to being beyond nervous of what was happening.

"you can't just leave indiana and come back to nebraska, just because of something like this." nate tried to talk me out of going back.

"of course i can. she's my whole world, man. i'm gonna catch a plane. i'll be there soon." i hung up, prepared to inform sammy on what the call was about.

rilee's point of view

the sound of muffled voices woke me from a deep sleep under nate's covers. quick walking footsteps neared the room, and the door cracked open slightly.

i peeked my head up from comforter to let him know i was awake. the door opened completely and instead of nate, jack came rushing towards me.

i quickly sat up and outreached my arms although my head was pounding and felt like a huge balloon.

"baby", he mumbled, lifting me up into his arms.

i wrapped my legs around his torso with my arms around his neck. tears fell from eyes out of no where. i've needed jack with me and now i got him back.

"i was scared." my voice sounded tiny, almost not even like me. tiny in a way that my walls were slightly broken down and i didn't feel safe or bold enough to speak up for myself anymore.

jack's hand rested on my back rubbing small circles with his thumb as he subtly rocked me back and forth. "i know, i know, baby. you're okay now, i promise."

i pulled away to look at him directly. his pink lips were slightly parted and very light stubble was visible.

my thumb gently traced the outline of his lips as he watched my concentration.

jack's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned in, placing his lips perfectly on mine. i instantly kissed back feeling the passion between us.

before i knew what was happening, my back crashed against the bed sheets and jack murmured, "god, i love you so much."

to be continued, ya lil' shits

brief sexual content in next chapter - just a heads up ;)

omg it's been like 50 years since i've updated. 😩❤️

this chapter is a little rushed & eh, but i needed jack to come back to nebraska, so hey, it's whatever.


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& almost 6K on addicted !!!

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