| seventeen |

510 21 13

rilee's point of view

"alright, mind explaining what the hell happened back there?" sam asked pacing back and forth with jack g as i sat on the bed.

"um ... he got angry ..?"

"no shit."

"but what about?" jack asked, his jaw clenching.

i've noticed he does that so much, sometimes i feel like it's gonna get stuck.

"about ... me. a-and him. and us." i spoke quietly.

jack and sammy's eyebrows furrowed at the same time.


"UGH! i don't know, he was just rambling on and on about how he wished i never chose you two over him and stuff." i shrugged, getting up off the bed.

"and then he punched the wall?" jack asked and i nodded.

"forget the wall, dude! what if he hurt her!" sam argued.

"then i would've been very bruised by now."

they faced each other and started arguing, totally making me invisible in this situation.

"o-okay, boys ... don't mind me, im just gonna go make myself some lunch." i said, sneaking past them and out the door.

i got some bread and peanut butter out to make myself a five-star lunch.

"hey, rilee. bye, rilee." johnson ran down the stairs all frazzled, and towards the front door.

"where are you going?" i turned around to face him.


i nodded and watched him leave.

"shit." i whispered seeing his wallet had fallen on the floor.

there was a silver package sticking out of it that caught my eye.
a condom.

"jack, wait!" i yelled, running out the door after him.

"you dropped this. oh, and have fun." i winked, making him blush.

now back to making my sandwich.
i spread the peanut butter evenly on the bread and then cut it directly down the middle.

yes, i have very strong OCD.

i grabbed a water bottle and sat at the bar stools behind the island.

my phone lit up with a text from rebecca.

rebecca: does it hurt?

rilee: does what hurt? 😂

rebecca: your first time ....

rilee: yes. not gonna lie, but you'll be fine. jack seems gentle ... work it lil honey 😏💘🔥

"THAT BITCH!" i yelled, throwing popcorn at the tv screen.

gilinsky, sammy, nate and i were watching the hunger games for the millionth time ever, and i still got mad at the characters.

"does anyone know where jack went?" gilinsky asked.

"to rebecca's i think." nate said with his eyes glued to the screen.

"he's gettin' some tonight." i mentioned, shoving white popcorn in my mouth.

"i wish i could get some tonight." sam smirked.

"keep wishing, buddy." i smiled.

"i don't know about you guys, but im crashing." nate said, getting off the loveseat and making his way towards the steps.

"oh cmon! it's only...", i checked my phone, "1:46 am!"

"uh, exactly." he chuckled.

"did he ever apologize to you?" jack leaned in towards me so he couldn't hear.

i shook my head no.

"what did you say back to him though? you know, when he was talking about us three..?" sam asked.

"i just told him that he was wrong." i shrugged.

"wrong about what?"

"that this wasn't shallow love."

they both nodded.

"i'll be up to bed too." sam smiled.

i followed him up and changed into a pair of pink spandex and a black tee.

i went back downstairs to turn off the movie, but jack had already done it and went up to his room.

probably just lost 300 calories on these freaking steps, i thought, climbing back up them again.

but this time i decided to open jack's door a crack, "g ..." i whispered.

he sat up on his bed, the covers falling from his bare chest.

"come here." he whispered, using his two fingers to motion me towards him.

i walked over to the other side of his bed, or more like mattress with just a headboard, and got under the covers.

"with what happened today, rilee ... it proved to myself how much i care about you. and would never want you to get hurt. ever. and i never want you to leave my side." jack whispered.

"but you said nate thought he could give you better, like a real relationship. it made me think... i know i've messed up plenty of times and have gotten in trouble, pulling you into it, too, and im sorry." a tear rolled down jack's cheek.

this was not the first time i've seen him cry. he was emotional quite a bit, but it didn't bother me at all.

i pushed the tear away with my thumb.

"i love you, rilee. it's a weird feeling. i don't know how to explain it, but i just know that i love you. but," he took a breath in, and let it out, "if- if you wanted another guy, l-like nate or even sammy, you can tell me, a-and i'd understand."

"shhh." i whispered, my lips resting against his,

"i'm not going anywhere."


i couldn't find a picture or a gif for this update, yikes

but, who did you ship rilee with more?

a) sammy
b) jack g
c) nate


my tumblr is so on fleek tbh, okay, bye babes 💜💓

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