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Peter parker know to new york as spider man a hero for the people and a friend to all but he was non of that after what had happened from one man that ruined all

Spider man was swinging from building to building in fear of his life

A shield cutting his web of and bringing him to the ground as the shield went back to its owner

Spider man:Please...*Grunts* don't need to do this

Captain America:Sorry son But spider man your under arrest

The heroes went and attack spider man

Hawkeye fires arrows and widow shoots her guns

Spider man dodges and goes to a building

Spider man:You guess don't understand my mind was taken over that wasn't me that did all those thing please you gotta believe me

Sudden 2 arms came from the fall and pulled him

Luke had him in a head lock

Luke:You done understand what you did

Spider man grabbed luke and tosses him off but caught a combat stick from daredevil

Spider man:Matt you need need to understand your a lawyer

Daredevil:Dont call me matt

Spider man ran off quickly to the square where he saw JJJ reporting

JJJ:This just in the heroes are doing what needed to be done taking down spider man

Peter felt his heart drop the people he worked with and help to make the world better turned on him

Suddenly a lazer beam came from above

Cyclops:Better stand down*aiming at him*

The x men came from behind him

Spider man:Please understand what your doing

Wolverine:Sorry but we have to do it

Spider man webbed them all up while storm make a wind storm that made peter fly up

Spider man swung building by building hoping that it this was all a nightmare

Spider man then felt heat from his back as he fell down

Looking behind him he saw Johnny storm his old friend his brother from another mother fly towards him along side the fantastic 4

Spider man:I know you guys for along time you guys can believe me

Then reed used his elastic hand to pin peter on the wall


Spider man:susan please understand that was not me

Susan just looked away

Ben:Sorry we need to take you in

Spider man:Sorry*pulling a web gernade*about this*webbing everyone up and taking off

Spider man:Please god let this be a nightmare please wake me up god no please

Suddenly beams of lasers came from above

Spider man:You don't have to do this

Carol stood silent and keep shooting him

Spider man shoot webs at carols eyes then she hulk came and grabbed his arm and tossed him to the ground

Spider man:I know you never liked me Jennifer but please you should know to help people to see of there innocent

She hulk:Your guilty

Spider man dodged her hit then climbing her back to jump off to knock her down

Spider man keep swinging and swinging

Spider man:I need to get out of here this is insane

Spider man then felt the tip of an arrow pierce inside of him making him fall to the ground

Spider man:GAHHHH!!

spider man felt tears coming down

Seeing all the heroes surround him and get ready to kill him

Spider man:Is this what you guys stand for

All the heroes looked at him

Spider man:Work together them turn on each other

Iron man:We don't do that

Captain America:We stand together

Spider man:Say the men who started a useless civil war

Spider man lifts his hand showing blood

Spider man:What will you earn from killing me

Hawkeye:Some peace at last*releasing an arrow that hits his shoulder

Cyclops blast a lazer that burns this lower abdomen

Spider man:If you wanna kill me to make you so called heroes feel big them go ahead

The heroes prepare to attack him


The heroes see a flying glider coming at them reveling it to be green goblin

green goblin:If anyone is killing the spider it will be me*Throwing goblin bombs

Spider man flys off from the push of the bombs

Green goblin:You all stay away he is my kill*throwing bombs at the heroes

Captain America:Take him down

Cyclops fires a lazer at him

Green goblin:Oh perfect

Green goblin goes to cyclops and picks him up from his neck

Green goblin:Ill make your weapon your enemy HA HA HA

Green goblin aims cyclops lazer at the heroes

Spider man in great deal of pain gets up

Spider man:They need help...He is gonna kill them

Spider man goes to the glider and pulls its cables to shorten it out as he quickly pulls cyclops out into safety from green goblin hands

Green goblin:You saved your murders that i didn't see coming*flying off with a malfunctioning glider

Spider man steers the glider up in the the air to the harbor

Green goblin:What are you planning spider?

Spider man:im saving reality

Spider man crashes the glider down and quickly punches goblin in the face knocking him out

Spider man gets up bleeding and in pain,as he gets into a boat, starting it then taking off into the dark sea looking back to see what was his home gone with the people he loved

Spider man prayed to find home and find love and hope once more

As he prayed that the gods give him something

Big thank to @jmedina223 for helping me out to make this please leave a vote or comment to continue this story

See you guys around✌

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