Chapter 17

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Peter was sleeping with diana holding on to his arms feeling the love and warmed

Then the door slowly opened and came in little Athena

Athena tippy toed and climbed on the bed Athena moved towards her parent and then lost her balance and fell off

But just before falling and hitting the floor

She was caught by her father

Peter looked and saw Athena smiling at him


Peter smiled and lifted her and placed her on his chest

Peter:Papa loves you

Athena cuddled in his chest and feel asleep

Peter whispered to diana

"Thank you Diana"
With the villains

Electro:How many?!

Scorpion:Just us

Seeing speed demon,white rabbit,bullseye,boomerangs,Kraven

Boomerang:Cant do this nah man im done....were done

Electro:No no we have a chance....lets call for help

Speed demon:Do you know how it works

Electro: i hope it works

Then pressing the button

At space

The message was received

"Spider man.....its time for us to re meet and pay back for what you have have done to me
At the house

Peter was teaching diana with books

Peter:and that is the point of these books

Diana:so are all these storys true

Peter:Yes its that's the point of view of someone

Diana:Even theses one *pulling out the twilight and harry potter*

Peter:oh well those are fiction well there made up for entertainment there are no wizards or werewolf

Peter:Oh well..yes..but

Diana:So its nonfiction


Diana:I have made my point

Peter smiled

Athena was looking at a comic book

Diana:You read so many books

Peter:I was nerd mother was forcing me to learn way so im also intelligent

Peter:i wonder how intelligent is Athena

Athena was flipping thought pages

Diana:Well she looks like she knows how to read

Peter:amazing....hmmm....hey diana let me show you some things
Peter took diana and athena to the empire state building and they saw how high they were

Diana:Everything looks york is so amazing in every point of view of my story was uncle brought me here and showed me how beautiful new york really is and how so many opportunity that i can do here....and i took an unexpected route

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