Chapter 9

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Spider man sat on the beach with athena in his lap playing with his finger

Spider man:Its beautiful isn't it

Athena:ya ya ya ha

Spider man:Oh yea

Athena slowly goes to grab peters axe

Spider man:No no no not yet my moon and stars


Suddenly hearing several amazons in shock

Peter:What is going on*getting up holding Athena closer*come on lets go see what is happening*picking up his axe*

Athena:Ya ya

Peter went and saw that every amazon was looking from far away

Peter:What the

Peter saw as galactus slowly dropped


Diana and Hippolyta came in rushing


Diana:Peter what in great hera name is happening

Peter:There is a creature that landed on the planet

From far away a voice can be heart

Galactus:Beware......I hunger

Diana:You been with men what is his purpose

Peter:Its simple he is a creature wanted food in order to survive but he eats planet

Diana:Great hera

Hippolyta:that can destroy not earth but the whole Olympus and maybe more

Peter:We....No....I have to stop him i have to stop him from destroying the world

Diana:Peter no you don't understand what if you die or worse

Peter:I have a power of the gods i can save him

Diana:What if you cant come back

Hippolyta:He can but can he stop it

Peter:Yes with the power of the gods i can do more

Diana:Im coming with you with to the land

Peter:Diana no your safer here

Diana:No im coming with you as your wife and athena is coming with us


Hippolyta:Diana no you cant be serious

Diana:You don't understand what if that creature comes to us and takes down Themyscira

Hippolyta Stood quite

Diana:Peter is our protector and so em i and our daughter can learn from over there how to be a protector for the world

Peter:Diana i dont want her to learn to be violent

Diana:She wont,not with you please peter understand by the sake of our child


Diana:Peter we have to do this for the sake of the world*putting her hand on his cheek*

Peter:alright...but what about your mother

Hippolyta:I...I dont know what to say this is diana's choice not mine and i have to accept it

Diana:Peter let us prepared for our voyage

At new York

The heroes of the world prepared to defend the world but there would be a flaw

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