Chapter 10

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New york has regain a spark of life and new yorkers look out and hope to see him swinging but nothing

At avengers tower
Iron man:Alright listen up spider man has returned and with more power

Human torch:The took us down with one smack on the group

Reed:That armour is amazing on how quick he can move but the question is what's it made of and who made it

Susan:No the question is can he forgive us

Deadpool:Your kidding blondie he is never gonna forgive you

Hank:But what about his power of that axe he took down galactus and scared him off

Cyclops:Its powerful and he took down those droids with just a few swings

Captain America:we have to find him and see if he is reasonable to talk to cause the last thing we need is another villain

Red hulk:Let him come*cracking his knuckles*

With peter at the cabin

Peter was showing diana all around the house and presenting her with food and all things people use in daily life

Diana:So this is what they wear in mens world


Diana:But what is this for*picking up women underwear*

Peter:Thats to cover and protect a sensitive part

Diana:Never heard of this armour or this chest plate*picking up a bra*

Peter:Well there worn under the clothing to cover a body part

Diana:alright so what about women clothing and what will athena wear

Peter:Well they have only boy baby clothes here maybe i can show you out all the stuff people buy

Diana:That would be nice to see but i have a question


Diana:do you miss your aunt

Peter:well...yes but she must be busy at home

Diana:peter she is still your family yiu have to go see her

Peter: yea i wonder if she will be happy or mad at me

Diana:peter its been years go and see her sweetie

Peter:Well you insist

Peter went outside and saw from far away new york

Peter:Wanna come along its gonna be a long walk

Diana:I don't mind i walked for miles

Peter:Ill get a baby cart

Peter went to the garage and got a baby cart

Peter put athena in had to struggle since Athena wouldn't stay in

Peter:Athena stay in


Peter:Athena please

Athena:No*jumping out*

Peter:*sigh*you forced my hand*peter ticked Athena*

Peter:Please stay Athena in

Diana:Wow you know how to take her down

Peter:Im a loving man

Diana:I found that out nicely

Peter took diana and athena and showed her to the city which was a bit sad seeing not many people and lots of litter on the floor

Diana:What has happened

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