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Hippolyta laid next to her grandson

He saw something that she never though would happen

A male Amazon fighting for them and almost scarfing  herself



Hippolyta saw him wide awake

Hippolyta smiled

Hippolyta:rest easy bengy

The next day

Hippolyta:amazons I ask many thing for peace order freedom but now we have a new age a male Amazon who has protected us and  could she given his life for us now understand he is well and now what shall we do

Cause now we are what we Hate

As of today bengy is my grandson but to you he is your brother sis or if you want to a son I know some of you want to know that feeling as well

All the amazons have nodded

Hippolyta:we are better than anyone who are evil

So now who wishes to be the best

Days later

Peter had fully recovered and was at the river showering

Diana:I remember this place

Peter:feel here twice and almost died saying hi

Diana:I'm amazed how life has went though over the years

Peter:yea....you know it's almost time

Diana:I know I wonder if this is why mother didn't want me to leave

Peter:she loved you and you love Athena just as much

Diana:I do

Peter:hey it will be alright....beside it's will be like our adventures

Diana:yes I should make sure she is alright

Peter grabbed her arm and pulled her into the water

Peter:It can wait

Peter and Diana kissed

Diana:I'm glad it's you and me

Days later

Athena has a ship and her stuff

All the amazons saw her

And saw Athena hugging her brother and hippolyta

Diana:oh my baby it's time for you adventure as well

Athena hugged her

Then Peter came in holding something's

Peter:now it's your turn

Peter showed her a new axe

Peter showed her a new axe

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Peter:it's your

The moment Athena picked it up flames and webs came out

Athena:I love it

Hippolyta:your journey may be long and hard but you will always be the greatest thing ever

You will fight many forces of evil and others but you will do it to protect the relm of man and it's innocent

Athena Parker you will make us proud

Athena:I shall not fail you

Athena got on her boat and swung her axe sending herself to the city that was her father home

At the city

She hid the boat and went to a place that she know once

Athena knocked at the door

And saw 22 year old women

"Hey.....your....your her"

The female pointed a picture of Peter Parker and his wife with the baby

"Your her daughter Athena

Athena nodded

Athena:I'm guessing your Rachel carpenter

Rachel:yes my mom is Julia

Athena:yes the madame web

Julia came in looking how time had passed

Julia:my god you got older

Athena:you look good

At the streets of New York

There were simpler problems

Just a casually robot attack

A giant tri sentinel

The spider hero's had brought around and messed some parts up but as they went down

An axe came cutting up and down left and right and breaking down

And then returning to the owner

Then the spider saw this female

And they walked closer

Everyone was taller with different suits

Then seeing Cindy walk infront of her

And gave her a hug

Cindy:your so beautiful

Athena:go to see you too cindy

Everyone hugged her

Feeling as if Peter was here

At paradise island

Bengy had help around

Always hearing

Thank you bengy

With Peter and Diana who sat on top of the mountain

Diana:well our life is still going

Peter:and the world is still big and our kids grew up

Diana:so fast

Peter:you know this shouldn't be the end the world is bigger than anything there is so much to see and look

Diana Parker....will you join me on an adventure to help other and make the world a better place

Diana:always...I'll follow you cause gods brought us together

I'll follow you cause gods brought us together

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                    The end

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