Chapter 20

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Peter saw how people who he knew was sitting on his couch

Mj:how's your daughter

Athena was playing with Diana and seeing how they are happy

Flash:You worked fast

Peter:What do you guys want

Harry:We want to know what happened when you left how did you meet her and what happened

Carlie:and where did you get the axe

Peter:Why are you here why are you even talking to me

Mj:We found out  what kingpin said we thought it was you changing

Peter:Guess you don't know me

Mj:I'm sorry but what happened

Peter:long story

Peter placed his axe next to them

Harry:What happened

Peter:after the man hunt to take me down in there words...I escaped to protect everyone....when I road on that boat not only did I have myself but a spirit of a god with me...he lead to an island....and island with only women called paradise island....

Mj:wait how do they reproduce

Peter:A when i came there I was taken prisoner where the have a lasso that tell forces anyone to tell the truth

Flash:there's no way

Diana:it's very true

Carlie:is it a curse

Diana:no it's magic that makes it useless to lie


Peter:mystical power over there I worked hard made my own home created a nice relationship with my mother in law

Flash:What else did you do

Peter:I helped with my part with making it easier for them and protected them some are warrior but some cannot protect themselves there are creatures there as well

Harry:and the axe

Peter:I made it myself along side Diana ring

Diana showed them the big rock that It had on her finger

Mj:it's beautiful*jealous*

Peter:Then our daughter was born and I came here to make sure Galactus was gone and after that I wanted to see aunt there nothing left for me here

Mj:Don't say that Peter

Peter:There isn't May is gone my only family is gone

Carlie:what about your friends where here for you

Peter:You weren't there and it doesn't matter anymore i have my life and you have yours

Mj:Peter were sorry

Flash:all of us

Peter:I forgave you for the time in high school flash not this time  and Mj this shows you didn't know me well at all

Mj:I'm sorry but I thought you changed and getting more edgy

Peter:Wearing black and having long hair and being like a bully you should have know me better Mary Jane

Harry:When your done will we ever see you again

Peter:Probably not but it's for the best

Mj;Peter don't leave

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