Chapter 6

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Peter and diana where making out for what felt like forever and enjoyed every moment

Till they stopped for breath

Peter:Wow that was..was


Diana:I Surely loved it

Peter:What would your think if she saw us wouldn't she disagree

Diana:she might disagree because you are a man but you are a good representation of man

Peter smiles

Diana:now get some rest you will need it for tomorrow trial

Peter:Thxs i hope i can do it

Diana:With your axe and good heart i know you can do it*kissing peter on the cheek

Peter:Thank you Diana rest well*leaving

Diana:Sleep well peter*leaving*

Back at new York

Heroes have been searching for days and have called namor for help in the water but he denys having killed spider man

The x men used what they had to find him but came back with nothing

The fanstatic 4 using reed Richard invention to search for him but with no result

The avengers using there best technology to find him only to fail

All the heroes reunited at avengers tower

Iron man:Ok we searched for several hours and come back nothing

Wolverine:We used Xavier powers to find him but only nothing

Dr strange:I used different magic powers but nothing can find him

Madam web:He cannot be found but where ever he is he could be gone forever

Susan:Dont say that

Wolverine:Its true he is gone we nearly killed him...betrayed him.....Didn't believe him....He is gone

Captain America:No we must pay the price

Daredevil:Ill do my part to save new York

Johnny:So will i

Iron man:Then as of today we will save whats left of new york till we fall

Morning time at Themyscira

Peter woke up nervous

He was gonna show he was worthy to be amazons protector

Peter went and grabbed his old suit and put in on so he can represent his hero side

Peter went and grabbed his old suit and put in on so he can represent his hero side

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Peter put his damaged suit on and placed his axe behind

Peter:I can do this i can make it.....I hope Diana will be proud

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