Chapter 4

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At new york
The heroes where all on the ground defeated by the villains

Laura is seen poking a stick on iron man on the ground

Iron man slowly wakes up

Iron man;uhh..god...What...Laura what are you doing

Laura:Just checking if you where dead

Iron man:Well im not dead

Laura:What a shame

The thing comes out of the debris
The thing:What went wrong we where all good

Reed jumping out:if i may we could build a super weapon

Black widow:and what have another Ultron or worse have someone take it no way

Kitty:I miss my old life*groaning*

Wolverine:This is getting tiring

Captain America:We need spider man

Suddenly hearing laughs

Everyone looks to see the kingpin

Miles:oh no the kingpin

Kingpin:Shame earth mightiest heroes all down on the floor

Elektra:Quiet you

Kingpin:should i be quiet i feel like you did that to poor Spider man

Carol:What do you care

Kingpin:i own alot of new york so im here to make you a deal

Captain America:What is it

Kingpin:I want half of new york all to myself and my men

Elektra:No way*she was mad because she is losing some property she owns*

Daredevil:Your not taking hells kitchen

Kingpin:Your right i could take the baxter building


Susan:Reed...what about

Reed:Not now susan

Kingpin:Or maybe avenger tower

Captain America:sorry we need to find spider man

Kingpin:ah i see what your want to finish the job to kill him

Iron we want him back

Kingpin:no to kill an innocent man I like your style

Captain America:No the city needs him

Kingpin:Oh i see have him as a slave i knew you avengers had a dark side

Wolverine:NO!...We want him back to help protect us and bring mutants home

Kingpin:Oh well my men find it fun to kill them and lets be honest the only one who cares about them and its
Spider man

The mutants look down and wolverine and cyclops look at him angry

Kingpin:Half of new york you can keep the tower and the Baxter building and the freak house

Iron man:Fine half of it no more

Kingpin:Deal...better find him quick i might want more of new york

Silk:Funny you never liked spider man

Kingpin:Oh i hate him alright...But what i hate more is seeing an innocent man get wrongly convicted

Iron man:Shut up like of you know

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