Chapter 23

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Peter stood infront of everyone

Peter:so is has come down to this......your ignorance and ego let to this

Iron man:We tested you well....we checked you and we saw every way if someone took you over

Peter:No you didn't do it well enough

Iron man:we didn't know

Peter:Look around stark we love in a world where anything is possible anything could happen stark

Iron man:we don't know how far science can go

Reed;we know much on how science can improve But not on the human mind

Peter:look I did my part the villains are gone the threat is gone....and I cleared my name so it doesn't matter

Captain America:but all those heroic in such you did with us not knowing who else is gonna do it

Peter:that's why I trained to be do the hard work no one want to do

Iron man:why Leave you can continue your life and your work with your family

Peter:there's nothing for me here my only family member is dead those who I worked with don't trust me now please let me leave and live my life

Susan:Peter we are sorry

Diana took a step forward

Diana:you should understand sister you all made a mistake a horrible one what if Peter didn't leave what if Peter stayed what are the chances of Peter having his name fixed and his heroics recognised

Spider women: you could have told us

Peter:why...being a hero is not about glory it's about doing the right thing it's about doing what's right for the people

Diana:Peter had helped my people my sister and our daughter.....he belongs with us

Carol:you can't just take him

Peter:She's not taking me....I'm leaving with her I'm going home

Diana went and held in to Athena

Peter was pushing the boat in the water

Iron man:wait

Diana:he doesn't give up.....what else does he want

Iron man:your people follow the rule of warriors right


Iron man:I challenge your husband in order to stay

Diana:well...*sigh*it is in the rule of the warrior

Peter pulled the boat back


Diana:be careful

Peter turned around looked at stark

Peter grabbed his axe and held it infront of stark

Iron man charged his armour but he was shocked when Peter put his axe to the ground

Then the duo fought

Iron man flew rushed into him but spider man stopped him and smacked him to the ground

As iron man fired lazer spider man dodged and fought as well as he did

But iron man had a higher advanced suit and he even shot some missiles

This caused spider man make a web that caught the missiles

Then spider man pulled iron man down and pinned him down 

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