Chapter 7

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                     1 years later
New york was never the same
Villians cheered knowing there heroes have failed

Avengers never found spider man they presumed him disappeared

X men never found him not him not even the cerebro found him

The fantastic 4 used all there technology that was available to locate Spider man but was unsuccessful

Julia carpenter sat on her couch crying knowing one thing she has failed she failed peter some one who had her  respect and someone who she had to protect

But on June 7( the day i first made this story) new yorkers would plant a candle and flowers in honor of spider man at central park

At the avengers tower
Captain America:So what do we do know after all of this

Iron man:New york will always remember this day...the day we.....took away its hope

She hulk:Spider man has done so much here i thought he was nothing more than a clown

Captain marvel:I fought along side him with his dumb jokes and stuff and i couldn't help but admit that i had feelings for him

Captain America:he was a little annoying from time to time but he brought hope

Spider women:i remember our relationship as i called him my work husband couldn't deny it was the best time of my life

Iron man:yea and when he went to save you all from the phoenix forces

Black widow:Good times i remember when he help me during my amnesia he feel in love with a different women that day and left in a broken heart

The heroes stood quite

Captain America:If one day new york returns to normal we must have changes no matter what we must do better and change our ways and as far as we know spider man was more of a hero than all of us

X mansion

The x men staff had returned from giving there respect for spider man and most of them stood quiet as the mansion felt nothing like a school felt empty without joy

Xavier:What went wrong we just wanted to protect our kind

Wolverine:Spider man was family here and he made it feel like a home with his dumb jokes and his smile and his personality i think was an x men all along

Ororo:He brought here mutants scared of the world but he changed that in them

Jean:He never cared at all about what people thought about him just cared about others more than him self

Kitty:He was always there for us im guessing he was always an x men after all

At the baxter building

Susan looked outside and saw the night sky

Johnny:Still hoping he will just fall from the sky like always

Susan:I was right there with you all and i didn't do anything

Johnny:He still out there...i just hope he can forgive us

Ben came in with drinks

Ben:A toast to spider man

They all grabbed drinks

Everyone:To peter

Johnny:I wonder what he is up to
At Themyscira

Peter looked from above the mountain and saw the amazons work hard as they build and trained and saw the future grow

His relationship with Diana got 10 times better and he and she were inseparable
To the point where Diana would sneak out the palace and go to peter tower

Peter hold his axe with one hand and used his one hand to swing around looking for anything that can cause mayhem

Suddenly his question was answer heading the roar of a nemean lion

Peter swung to the commotion

Peter saw as the lion roar in rage

Peter:Ok time get you back to the zoo

Peter slammed his axe to beast to get it away

The lion roar as it rushed towards him

Peter thought fast and grabbed the lion by it next

Peter:Your skin is indestructible but it could be pulled

Peter squeeze its neck and continued until he heard a snap and feel motionless on the ground

The amazons came to a closer look

Amazons:You killed the nemean lion

Peter:Sorry it was attacking

Amazons:its fine but with the skin you could make a nice blanket for your self

Peter:Well better get skinning i wonder if i can make some nice hot dog with the meat

Amazon:Hot dog?

Peter:Yea its a delicious food that is made in the main land

Later in the day

Peter was in his towers putting his new nemean lion blanket

Peter:So this is how people in texas have there blankets

Going outside to outside where he made a grill and made some meat to cook from the lion

Peter:Smells good what does it taste like

Diana enters

Diana:so what are you making

Peter:Well took down a nemean lion that was really mean and made a nice blanket and made some food want some

Diana:A man cooking for me you must be one of a kind

Peter:Well im a man that has to treat me princess correctly

Diana laugh:you treat me amazing

Peter:Its what a man like me should do

Diana:Im so glad your the perfect man*kissing him*

Peter:So hungry

Diana:With that food always

Peter:Hows your mother

Diana:Perfectly well beside she loves that we have a perfect relationship

Peter:I.hope the other amazons approve of us

Diana:Peter you are a man that has suffered for to long and you proved that you are a hero and amazing one

Peter:Thanks diana its good to know that some one believe in me

Diana:I will always believe in you as all i knoe the gods brought us together

Peter leaned on diana and made out with her

Diana:You know we should get to work

Peter:Yea your right let me get my axe*walking out*

Diana quickly grabs peter and throws him inside the tower

Diana:not that kind of work

Peter:Umm home work?

Diana:Oh peter you and your innocent its so adorable

Diana tosses peter on his bed

Diana:I real all the volume of the sexual reproduction and i think you and i should feel good together

Peter:Um well...wait there a volume

Diana put her finger on his lips

Diana:Shhh you and i are gonna feel like the heavens

Peter:I Think i hit the jack pot

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