Chapter 11

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Peter and diana were angry and now ready to unleash hell

Cyclops slowly got up

Cyclops:Oww my chest your gonna pay for that

Captain America:Wait!!! Everyone hold your fire spider man we just wanna talk

Spider man:Bad time*pointing his axe*

Iron man:What happened to you

Spider man:Alot now im saying this now get back

Captain marvel:We just wanna know where were you the last few years

Spider man:Surviving

Wolverine:Listen bub we know the truth you can come back its alright you are safe

Spider man:Im more in danger being close to you so stay away from me and my family

Athena grabbed tight on to peter

Susan:So she is the mother tell me who are you

Diana:I em Princess diana from Themyscira!!

Everyone looked in shock and confused to know that peter was with a princess from some place unknown

Peter:I been safe thanks to her and that's all i know

Iron man:What about that power were did you get it

Peter:It has always been inside of me and now i unlocked it

Reed:and the axe

Peter:A request from a god to use for the right men

Iron man:Its too dangerous for you to use hand it over parker

Peter:Im sorry stark but there is an oath and trust me you are not worth of holding this power

Iron man:Wanna bet

Peter:Sure if you cant life it up we are leaving

Peter put the axe on the ground

Iron man:pfft easy*he pulled as hard as he could but didn't move at all

Iron man:Gahhhhh come on get up

Cyclops:Let me weakling

Cyclops tried to lift it up

Cyclops:Impossible*shooting at it only to reflect and hit him in the stomach*

She hulk:Funny my turn

She hulk pulled hard using all her strength and then turned back to Jennifer Walter

She hulk:No way

Captain marvel:Let me try*pulling it up hard but just hurt herself*

Scarlet witch tried to pull it with her magic but the axe just shock her with her own magic

Spider man:are you done?

Diana:These are the heroes?

Athena just laugh as she saw the heroes fail which made the women smile

Reed:What is its power

Peter:Enough this ends*pulling his axe back*

Wolverine:Bub we are sorry

Peter:Doesn't matter if im here it was to stop galactus now i have plans to head back were i came from

Everyone stood quiet with what peter said

Iron man:Peter your a hero your an avenger and so can your wife and child

Wolverine:or an xmen

Susan:of member of the fantastic 4

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