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My body feels stiff as I lay in my silk sheets.
I try to move my arms to lift myself, but my muscles fail me- why is everything swollen and painful?

I look around the room and I realise I'm not in my bedroom.

Mauve coloured curtains flap over the king-sized bed, tickling my skin.

I feel a silk night dress covering my swollen body, hanging above my knee.

I try to move my body to sit on the edge of the bed, but my body's too painful to make such a movement.

"What the hell are you doing, Linetta? Stay in bed."

Nyx comes rushing through the curtains to help move my body back to a more comfortable position.

"Why am I feeling like this?" I ask sleepily.

"Just go back to sleep, rest. I'll explain everything when you're better."

The last I saw was his warming smile before falling back to sleep.


I awoke again in the same chamber, feeling the familiar silk sheets- and mauve drapes either side.

My body doesn't feel as sore, and I can muster enough strength to sit up.

I shiver as my feet come in contact with the cold marble floor.
I'm at the Mountain Palace- how did I even get here?
I walk through the drapes squinting at the sun shining into the chamber.

Oh no.

I put a hand to my mouth, feeling a dull throb.

I attacked- I attacked my father. One of my own.
The memory of me pouncing on him flashes through my mind.
How come I don't remember anything afterwards?
I remember...biting him....but nothing after?
I wrap my arms around my waist, by golden hair hanging either side of my face.

I feel like crying, I feel like breaking down and just letting my tears drown me out.
But I can't.
Cryings never helped me before, so I'm not going to start again now.

"Linetta, your awake." I looked behind me to see Nyx standing there-, the sun making his body give off a sort of glow.

"Nyx, I need to know what happened."

There's no point avoiding, I needed to get straight to the point-to avoid the constant worrying and overthinking.

"It's bad, Linetta..bad." He casts his gaze to the floor, crossing his arms.

He wore a navy blue silk top, black trousers- his wings tucked behind him.
His hair seemed more dishevelled, and his face worn- like he hadn't slept in days.

"Your father..seems to think we've." He lets out a deep sigh. "Manipulated you somehow, controlling your mind."

I shake my head. "Why would he think that?"

"You attacked him- and clearly that doesn't usually happen, so of course who else to blame but us?" He said peeved. "He's already trying to build up a defence team, riling up other courts to stand against us. "

I put a hand to my head and face, why is my father always making such bad- idiotic decisions. "What happened, after I pounced." I ask nervously.

"Let's just say, you left your father in a pretty bad state before I could rip you off him- I managed to carry you here though." I looked aghast causing Nyx to look at me sympathetically. "Don't fret over it, it looked like that anger had been built up over a long period of time. You needed to release it ."

"Yes, yes I did need to release it." I say quietly, staring at the floor- watching my feeble person staring back.

Nyx doesn't say anything for a moment, but then says "When you shapeshifted, it took me by surprise. I didn't think....a sweet looking girl as you could turn into something that..ferocious."

I winced at his choice of words, I knew it'd come at some point. I just didn't want it to be so...soon.

"I loved it."

I look up at him dumbfounded.

"Did I just hear that correctly?" I say with astonishment.

He nods and grins. "I like this new side of you." He walks closer to me, and puts a hand to my cheek- his eyes searching mine. "And I'm not afraid."

I stare back at him in awe.

"Well, of course I'm not afraid- I can kick your butt in seconds- but you get what I mean." He adds, smirking. He has such beautiful eyes, I get lost in them as soon as I look into them.

I roll my eyes and push him away. "Thanks for that." I say sarcastically.

He makes a slightly wounded expression, but then completely changed it with a playful smile.

"What's up?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head. "It's nothing, let me get you some breakfast, you must be hungry." He disappears out of the door before I could I say anything else.

I stare at the door he just left through, not able to shrug off the feeling that it wasn't just nothing.

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now