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The only clothing item I could find was puffy red silk trousers- they were pretty- golden, silver curls and sewn flowers decorating them. The waist band hugged my waist, made of velvet. The style of this clothing is not what I'm used to, I was used to the feel of dresses or skirts- and a.....full sized top.

My top was cropped, material of dangling red silk- only hanging to the top of my stomach. I felt exposed, the skin of my stomach prickling at the slight chill.

I left my hair as it is, the curls from the ball still obvious.

"Breakfast is now served." I turn around and face Nyx putting his hands out in front of the food to accentuate the glory before me.

A table that I hadn't seen there before, had a buffet across it.

Bananas, strawberries, yogurts, toast, cinnamon rolls, pancakes- anything you could imagine.

"It looks— delicious." I say nearly drooling. "How are we going to eat all of this?"

He grins, tapping his belly. "I have a big appetite."

"How do you...look like that, if you have a big appetite?" I address his....well looked after body.

"Easily, would you like a demonstration?" He folded his arms, and tilted his head.

"Ahah no, don't put me off my food."

I take a seat opposite him.

"How does that even...nevermind, I'm not even going to finish my question." He shakes his head, already tucking in to the buffet layed out.

I pick up two fresh pancakes, still hot, laying them on my star patterned plate.
I decorated them with banana, strawberry- and blue berries, pouring a small amount of maple syrup on top.

"Mmm yum." I see Nyx looking at my plate, desire in his eyes.
I laugh, his plate is piled with 5 pancakes, a cinnamon bun- fruits in a pyramid pile next to them.

"That's ridiculous." I laugh.

"I did say I have a big appetite." He reminds me, popping a strawberry in his mouth. I giggle as he winces, he must have tasted a sour one.

I pick up a knife and fork beside me, tucking in to my pancakes- chopping up the fruit as I go.

"Will I be going home?" This is something I dread, facing the mess that has been created.

"No, you're not going back there." Nyx said concisely.

He didn't look at me, his head stayed down- looking at his food while eating it.

"But I have to go back, I can't leave it like this- the least I could do is try to stop his rebellious actions."

I'm to blame for that, I can't let them suffer for what I have caused.

"That's not fair to blame it on yourself, it was both of us. Remember I said about being in this together?"

I was about to complain about him being in my head again, but the blush I feel creeping in softens my annoyed expression.

"Of course I remember that." I avoid eye contact- too awkward to face his pretty face.

"So stop blaming yourself." He pushed another chunk of pancake in his mouth, you'd think that would look revolting- but when he eats, it somehow looks satisfying.

Once he had swallowed, he continued
"My parents will take care of it." I waited for more information, but clearly that was all he was going to give me.

"So they don't think I'm..lying or manipulating?" I cautiously ask.

He looked at me then back at his plate. "No." He answered, too quick.

I sighed popping a few bananas and berries into my mouth, the flavours palatable.

"Will they ever accept me?" I mumble.

It took a moment for him to reply. "In time, Linetta, once they trust someone they put their whole heart into it. I'm the same." He pauses and then continues. "But you won't break my heart will you, Lin?" He smiles a hopeful smile at me.

I return it- hopping that will be true.

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now