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>•Whilst Linetta and Nyx are walking in the forest•<


-'•Blair's POV•'-

I stepped into the Night Court, climbing the stairs that lead upwards, to the House of Wind with ease- my black satin dress stretching out behind me.

It was easy enough to get here, everyone knows of Velaris now- not a  secret anymore.

The shadowsinger and the Illyrian army leader, whatever he is called, scented my arrival- picked me up and whisked me to the top. As I had anticipated.

They dropped me down lightly upon the marble floor. I did not admire my surroundings, I do not care for decoration and wealth. So I only stared at the two that had dropped me.

"Who are you?" The shadowsinger asked, frown upon his smooth face.

"I will not say anything about me till the High Lord and Lady come to meet me." I stared at the doorway, which no doubt would be where they would walk through.

They glanced at each other, but decided to call in the High Lord.

A few moments later two beautiful fae walked through the doorway. It was he I looked to first, dark hair over his eyes- which were deep purple. He wore black with embroidered stars and moons- beautiful. It truly was, even to me.

She who stood next to him was beautiful too, her dress silver silk, also embroidered with moons and stars. Her auburn hair lay loose across her shoulders. Both wore crowns that matched. They were...breathtaking. But I never let them see my awe.

The shadowsinger and Illyrian were watching me closely, eyeing me up. I ignored them- my black hair whipping about me in the wind obscured them enough.

I did not curtesy, I did not bow. They were not my Lord and Lady.

The Lord and Lady of the Night Court studied me, the Lady after enough looking stopped dead, her face paling as she finally took in what she was looking at.

The Lord clearly looked into her head, as his face paled too, taking me in.

"Hello Lord and Lady of the Night Court- this is...a pleasure." I smiled, my smile not quite matching my black eyes. "I find this rather- unnecessary to introduce my self but good manners are needed."

I patted my skirts of black and looked straight into those horrified eyes.

"My name is Blair, and I am the King of Hybern's daughter."

>•Present time•<

-'•Linetta's POV•'-

We rushed through the doors of the House of Wind- Nyx practically clambering through the furniture dotted around the entrance room to find his parents.

I couldn't help but gape- the House of Wind truly is magnificent- but even when my eyes itch to gaze at it's wonders, I have to follow Nyx.

Hyberns daughter. I shiver just thinking about her.
My father spoke about the King of Hybern like he was hell itself. Just imagine what the offspring could do...

I followed him down another set of stairs, and through the double doors which I'm guessing is a 'meeting' room.

One long table stood in the middle of the room- where everyone Nyx has ever known sat. Where I didn't belong.

Feyre beckoned him- to the seat opposite hers- by the head seat which Rhysand sat.
He rushed up to his mother, planting a kiss to her cheek before taking a seat.

I stood awkwardly by the entry way, watching their pointed stares.

"Come here, Lin." Nyx called- I was about to follow, feeling an ounce of hope.

"No Nyx, she can't stay." Rhysand softly ordered.

"Not now, Father, don't do this now." Nyx objected, silently pleading him.

"I cannot trust she's wholly ours." Rhysand objected, leaning sitting up in his high chair.

"He's right my dear, her father has already been on Hybern's side. She can't and she won't be part of this meeting." Feyre asserted.

She turned her head to me and made a sympathetic look.

I nodded- not needing to even voice a goodbye. I strode out of the large wooden doors, and closed them behind me- just noticing Nyx's angry and sullen face.

This was bound to happen, of course I wouldn't be involved in their affairs. I just wish they could trust me- that Rhysand could spare a moment to really search my mind.

I rested my back to the stone wall, letting my back slide down it- to sit on the floor.

And waited.


-'• Cailean's POV •'-

As Linetta left the Conference room- I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I know that she's a potential threat to all of us..but when I took her back to the Spring Court I felt I had gotten to know her more.

And felt more than I should.

"You can't shut her out forever, father, she's part of my family now." Nyx growled from the other end of the table. "You can't just keep—"

I sighed, rubbing my face. This is going to be a long meeting.

"Let's talk about the matter at hand, Nyx." Feyre interrupted, now including everyone in room. Who all looked slightly awkward at the argument. "Blair Hybern." She coldly named.

The temperature in the room seemed to decrease- as if even the House of Wind's spirt was dampened by the mention of her name.

"How did he manage to keep her a secret, for all those years?" My father marvelled, shaking his head.

"Quite easily." Amren reckoned, sitting across from my mother. "He hid a whole army, and was plotting for years. Who knows what else could have been going on?"

"Why would anyone want to breed with that." Cassian disgustedly said, which made me snort.

"He was powerful at the time, don't forget Cass." Feyre reminded. "Anyway, how would you know everyone's type? Maybe they like evil spiny kings like him."

Cassian gaped in disbelief whilst Feyre chuckled, trying to make the tone in the room lighter.

She shook her head composing herself, and continued.  "Anyway, the question is why did he hide her for so long- why not just bring her out as a last resort in that battle?"

Rhysand stared at the candle lit in the middle of the table. "I would think just in case everything went badly- she would be a back up. Not for that battle... but for the future of Hybern."

My mother nodded and added. "It wouldn't surprise me, he didn't look totally defeated when he died on that battlefield."

It pains me to see her like this, dejected every time that battle is mentioned.
My father placed a hand to her back soothingly.

I wish I had that kind of love, what my parents share.
For a moment I thought...I thought I might have had that love.
But when I look at how Linetta and Nyx look at each- how they long for each other- I know I am no competition.

When the discussion starts again I try to push those thoughts out of my mind, even when I know I can't.


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