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"So...you broke out of your room because you heard I had a few bruises?" I remarked, whilst we walked together through a forest.

"Even if there are just few, Lin, I'm still going to come running." He entwined his warm hand with mine and squeezed it.

I grinned with happiness, my cheeks flooding red. "Really?" I doubtfully asked.

"Yes really." He insisted, and pulled my body closer to his.

It feels weird to be with someone again, this close and affectionate. It makes my heart feel whole again- like a piece was missing and now filled.

"Ive missed you." He murmured, staring in front of us at the rows and rows of trees. Every now and again we could hear the animals tiny feet snap twigs or the crunch of leaves.

"Me too." I breathed, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "How did you manage to...be locked up?"

"When I winnowed back to my parents, to tell them about your father and his rallying, they somehow came up with your father and you working together and planning this whole thing." He scoffed, shaking his head. "When I stood up for you, they locked me up- kept me in with some kind of magic that I don't know about." He grumbled.

"Of course they didn't believe in me." I sighed. "When will they ever change their minds?" I wondered whilst we stepped over a small running stream. With flowers sprouting from it's sides.

"I don't think they ever will." Nyx admitted gruffly. Noticing my defeated pout, he stopped me- placing his hands on each shoulder, staring at me. "But that doesn't matter, Lin, if what we feel is strong, nothing will be able to effect us."

I nodded and we continued on, his arm around my waist.

But I couldn't help think- my father thought he had that kind of love too..and that all crumbled beneath him.


"We'll travel somewhere far." Nyx promised, holding my hand leading to me towards the rivers edge. "We have friends across the sea that would love to meet you." He eagerly told me.

"I would love to meet them too." I agreed, smiling to myself.

In just these past few months I have travelled all across Prythian..now I might be travelling away from there. To somewhere unknown.

When I looked at Nyx- I could tell the rest of my life will be filled with thrilling adventures- I just can't wait to live them.

We had made it to the edge- and Nyx was currently using his power to collect the right materials for a boat. I asked him why he didn't fly us- but he said we needed to 'lay low' until we reach far out to sea.

As we had collected the last pieces of log for our boat he paused, his body going stiff.

"Nyx?" I called by the river- as he stood on the outskirts of the forest.

He just wouldn't move- his eyes wide and body slack.

"Nyx." I demanded walking up to him and pulled at his t-shirt.

It was like that for a few minutes- which made me suddenly realise that he must be 'mind talking' with someone.

He shook his head as if to clear his mind, and looked at me upset and..actually scared.

"What?" I nervously asked.

"They need me back." He told me- his voice quivering slightly.

There's someone wrong..definitely wrong.

"What? What is it, Nyx?"

He rubbed his face- his pretty eyes saddened. "Hybern.." He breathed.

I shook my head frowning, my heart starting to race.

"He's dead- they killed him Nyx- in the battle." I croaked.

"Yes Linetta he's dead." He reassured, but then his face changed again..to fear. "But there's someone we didn't know about..someone he hid." He looked at me distraught.

I know now..all that hope for a new life and place was only ever going to be a dream.


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now