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Nyx was mostly quiet as we started to walk through the autumn trees, whenever I tried to speak to him- he'd answer with a short reply or a mumble.

I actually don't know much about Nyx, yes I've just learnt about his love life- but only that he had one- none of the details, or in-depth talk.

Maybe I'm not as close to him as I thought?
The way he's acting right now definitely proves that.

"Could we stop and have a bite to eat? My stomach won't stop growling." I complained.

As he stopped and faced me, I could see a smile which was a good thing- at least he can quickly change his mood and he's actually made another emotion other than brooding. 

"What would you like?"

It always surprises me, how Nyx can just 'magic' up any food you would like. Makes travelling fairly easy.

Lately I have been asking for hot meats and drinks, due to the weather of the Winter Court- right now I'm feeling like....fruits.

"A batch of berries of all kinds please." 

"Coming right up."

He does something, which I haven't worked out yet, whilst closing his eyes and staying still, hands cupped together to support whatever arrives within them.

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries all tumbled into his hands- looking juicy and ripe.

"Mmm." I can't help myself, my body speaks for me when I'm this hungry.

Anyway, I'm a beast, I need extra feeding.

"Here." He beckons.

I walk over and hold my hands out- my mouth nearly dribbled as the juicy contents were tipped into them.

"Thank you." I appreciatively say, tucking in once I sat down on the earthy ground.

I could taste all the divine flavours as I ate, whenever I was in the Spring Court fields, I'd always pick berries that were hanging from bushes, and cherries hanging from trees.

"What will happen, when we end our venture across Prythian?" I posed, wondering what I will actually do- and how I will face my father when the time comes.

"It's not safe for you to go back to the Spring Court, your father's still trying to rally up allies. Best come back to the Night Court?" Nyx suggested, staring at the berries in his hand. "Plus, I love being around you." His cheeks now pinking as he said that.

"Same here." I agree, smiling uncontrollably. Why am I so awkward?

"You are not." He disagrees, staring at me frowning.

I scowl, he always does this. Looking into my head like a story book.

"It's an invasion of privacy, so stop." I growl, a slight threat to my words.

Nyx stares at me a second- probably contemplating whether I'm going to pounce on him or not.
However the playful smirk on my face shows that I'm not going to eat him up, so he relaxed slightly- smirking back.

"I thought the beast really was going to get me then." He said- even when he looks like he's slightly scared, I know he is not afeared.

Nyx moved to sit by a tree, his head leant back against the dark tree trunk behind him.
I watched him for a second, just actions like this make me admire him.
How the sun gleams on his brown skin, how his hair slightly shadows his eyes- making him seem more menacing than he is.

At the beginning I could feel his power, I had felt slightly...intimidated and anxious to be around him but as I stare at him now, I wonder why I ever felt that way.

"Lin? You're not going to suddenly pounce on me are you?"'

His voice took me out of my thoughts, and I feel a slight panic bubble inside me. I hope he didn't listen to that.

"I might do...maybe when you least expect it."

"I'll be waiting for it then."

"I won't be keeping you waiting for long, I need to start hunting again- maybe you could be my practice?" I offer, grinning.

He raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't be able to catch me."

I stand up, sweeping off the dirt from my trousers.
"Try me."

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now