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Rhysand and Feyre had gone out of the room to discuss a 'private' matter. Before they had gone they had discussed a few options, but theres one part of my plan that just irritates me somehow. Someone's going to be playing me meaning Nyx might say things and do things thinking it's me—-I shivered, no- my clone won't take it that far.

Azriel and Erebus soon after left- muttering to one another, their shadows looming over them.

I stood awkwardly in the room- feeling more involved but still out of place after this meeting. It's progress, right?

I was about to leave before Nesta spoke from behind me. "You can stay here, if you like, before you go."

I turned around and looked at the beautiful woman across the room. "Really?"

She nodded, smiling slightly. "I know what it feels like- to be judged. Maybe not for my relations- but for what I was."

"When did they start to accept you?" I quietly asked, folding my arms.

She thought for a moment, a stray piece of golden brown hair hanging over her blue-grey eyes, and then spoke. "I think when I started proving myself, like you- I made choices and actions that helped them believe I'm trying."

"Thank you for telling me this- it actually makes me feel less alone." I admit kindly, smiling.

She smiled back at me and nodded.

"I think staying here will be lovely, thank you." I added.

"Let me show you to a room then." Nesta stood up and led me out of the double doors.


The room I am staying in for the time being is not as big as mine back at the manor, which makes it more cosy and warm.

"If you would like to join us for food tonight- we'll have it in half an hour." 

I thanked her, still admiring the wallpaper.

"This house is beautiful, isn't it?" Nesta gloated, walking up to stand next to me. "I am very lucky that Feyre gifted this to me and Cassian."

"Mm." I agreed, the wallpaper was patterned green and silver- in swirls.

"Anyway- I better find Cassian." She finished herself and walked out, closing the door softly behind her.

As soon as I was left alone the only thing I could think of was...I'm going into Hybern.
It probably will be where I die, this daughter of Hybern sounds even worse than her father.
I shivered- rubbing my hands against my arms, even my long thick golden locks couldn't warm me up.

I glance at a clock on the mantelpiece on the other side of the room, opposite the bed.
It's been already 5 minutes since Nesta was in here. Times going too fast I thought nervously I'll be at Hybern before I know it.

I was about to look for some clothing, which made me think of when I was dressing for Nyx at the Mountain palace- beautiful memories that I will cherish for as long as I live, until Nyx came storming through the bedroom doors.

He rushed up to me so quickly before I could even register what's going on.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Nyx effused, cupping my face in his hands. I gasped in surprise as he kissed my forehead and cheeks. "As soon as you offered yourself up I thought the world was going to end." Tears streamed down his cheeks.

Oh god, what have I done.

I smiled slightly, tears forcing their way out of my eyes also. "I just didn't want to leave you." As soon as the lie left my lips I felt a twang of guilt.

He giggled happily. "I'm glad sense has come into your pretty head." He kissed my forehead again, and tugged me into a hug.

His dark hair tickled my neck as he nuzzled closer to me. He's so happy..so damn happy that I'm not going. What am I going to do when he finds out? Will he truly not forgive me, like he said he would?

I stroke the back of his head with my hand soothingly.

Creak. I looked up at the sound of the door opening, and their stood Cailean- with his usual dark brown hair hanging down near his shoulders.

He opened his mouth parted, eyes slightly wide- as he realised he had walked in on something.
I cringe slightly- averting my eyes.

Nyx glanced behind him and then back at me, a frown upon his wet face.

"Sorry." Cailean mumbled and then walked out.

I walk off after him- I can't leave things like this, not when I might be walking right into a death trap.

Nyx caught my wrist before I could make two more steps.

"What are you doing?" Nyx inquired, not letting go.

"I need to talk to him, I won't be long I promise." I give him a quick smile before tugging my arm away and walking towards the doors.

I glanced back to see Nyx's face, forlorn- his eyes looking down at the floor.

I look away quickly and continue to find Cailean.


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now