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This time I couldn't keep the horror that over took my face.

Of course- of course he's here. Why am I even surprised?

He seemed to be shocked too- eyes wide, his mouth open.

"I presume, this is your daughter?" Blair guessed, tilting her head slightly at me. "I thought you told me she had joined...the other forces?" She frowned- her dark eyebrows knitting together.

My father nodded, still glancing at me. "She...was." He fumbled- staring at his plate.

"Well, daughter of the spring court, what brings you here of all places?" She asked- her black eyes reflecting the candle light. "Please do sit down, my sweet." She added, gesturing to the seat beside her- opposite my father.

"Don't trust her." Tamlin warned the Queen quietly, leaning towards her. "She couldn't of just left them."

I avoided their gazes- and went to sit down.

"You father seems to think you're here for cruel, backstabbing schemes." Blair purred, to my father's dislike. He looked at Blair angrily. My father's so stupid, I sometimes wonder how he even is a High Lord.

Now is where my acting really has got to kick in.

"It didn't work out, the way I thought it would." I mumbled, glaring into the distance. "They all hate me for being his-" I shoot Tamlin a scowl. "daughter."

Blair just stared at me perfectly, making a gesture to continue.

Not a good enough explanation I assume.

"I was excluded- kicked out of Velaris, and shamed for who and what I am." I met the Queen's eyes. "You must know what that feels like?"

She blinked, as if that's the only sign she'd show she was caught off guard, and searched my face before answering. "Yes, I've felt that way too." She said slowly, leaning her chin on her hand. Her dark, black night hair cascaded down her back and shoulders- breathtaking I thought.

"I don't understand." My father said perplexed- glancing between me and Blair. "You loved him- you had this connection-"

"I thought I did- until I showed my beast form- my true self. Well, Nyx didn't like that." I nervously laughed, looking away as if just talking about it upset me somehow. "But I am my father's daughter." I glanced at my father- who stared at me wordlessly, memorised by my words. "I can ruin love very easily."

No one spoke as I uttered the last of my explanation- they just watched me, analysed me.

"They'll be sorry to have lost you, Linetta." I look to the dark queen, who gazed at me intently. "And feel immense regret when they see you standing by my side." She rejoiced, smirking.

"Oh, they will." I grinned at her.

I could tell they were all unsure whether to believe me or not- but if Blair's smiling like a Cheshire Cat at me- I'm sure that means she's starting to believe.

"Timothy, please fetch our new arrived guest a portion of this dinner?" Blair commanded- leaning back in her high seat.

Timothy had the coal black skin that the other guards have- but his eyes— his eyes were red when others had deep black eyes. I frowned at him as he bowed, and walked out.

"Ah, you must be looking at my new....inventions?" Blair guessed, beaming- swishing wine in her glass. "They're beautiful, aren't they?"

I wouldn't quite use beautiful- but I composed my face to admiration.

"Yes, they're remarkable." I agreed- looking with awe at the other guard posted by the door.

My father looked uncomfortable- shifting in his seat, looking down at his unfinished plate.

"Don't you agree too, father?" I smiled widely- gesturing towards the guard.

"Oh yes." He coughed nervously. "Yes they're one of a kind."


When I glanced at Blair- I could see there was something in her eyes, a gleam. A happy gleam, with that never ending smile.

What is she thinking? I wondered. I wish I had Rhysand and Feyre's powers at this moment

The guard, Timothy, came in with a plate full of food- freshly made bread to freshly made chicken- seasoned.
The smell made my stomach rumble.

I thanked him and tucked into my food. Everything tasted wondrous- I'm surprised the cooks here are skilled.

"Of course Linetta, you must know that I'm not going to let you in so easy?"

My heart stopped dead as Blair's knife cutting words sunk in.

"What do you mean, my Queen?" I asked sweetly, trying to lessen the shake in my voice.

"You must go through a few trials I have orchestrated- to prove your passion for joining me." She explained happily- practically beaming with light.

"Trials?" I whisper, the power in my voice gone.

"Yes sweetling, sound familiar?"

My father's face looked ashen- dumbfounded.

He stared at Blair with fury and fear. "You can't be serious-"

Blair put her hand up not looking at him. "It's nothing you haven't seen before, High Lord."

For the first time, I looked at my father with pleading eyes, to help me.
I was told what Feyre went through in these kinds of trials- the pain and anguish- just so she could be with my father.
Amarantha had made the worst, most horrific trails possible- so what would the Queen of Hybern do?

My whole body started to shake and shiver- I'm dead, I really am dead.

"Come on sweetling." Blair chided. "Eat up."


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now