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My cell is pitch black, my vision totally blank.

Nyx had just visited and handed me more food. My strength has definitely grown immensely, so has my looks. My hair is fuller again, and I have noticed my body more defined and curvier.

I can hear my deep breathing as I start to go over the plan in my head-

1. Smash through the wall
2. Escape, and do anything I need to do to achieve that.
3.  And from then on, wherever my other form leads me.

It isn't the best or brainy plan, but it's the best I can come up with in this place. In my manor I managed to demolish my father's wards, but he isn't the most powerful High Lord.

My other form can manage to break the wards Rhysand has placed and the wall for only a few moments, and then it will close up. As I'm from a higher rank and power I am able to do this.

I stand in the middle of my stone dark cell, and start to well up the anger and power through my veins.

Every smell starts to heighten as my body morphs into a beast.

I didn't want to betray Nyx like this, but he must understand. He has to understand.

I step back a few paces, ready to barrel into the wall.





As my antlers pierce the wall- it starts to crumble, zigzagged cracks slice through every part of the wall and crumbled away, to reveal the long dark corridor.

I sneak quietly out, my head lowered, teeth bared and ready.

I was looked around the corridor and it seemed to be empty.

Hoping it stays that way- I continue past different cells to find my way out.


The night air refresh's me as I barge through the exit into the Velaris streets.
Everything and everyone seems to be peaceful here, in some ways I actually envy them.
My people suffer at my father's expense- I just wish Rhysand would be so generous to them.
However, my father would never allow it.

Yet again I run through alley ways and past multiple shops and houses- not yet running into any winged figures.

I can feel the predator instinct try to kick in, but I ignore it- I want no deaths today. Not if I can help it.

The funny thing is, the High Lady was trapped by my father- yet she trapped me?

I shake my big, furry head just thinking about it.

I see the outline of Velaris and was about to howl with joy.

Unitl I saw a winged figure.

I stop in my tracks as Nyx approaches, his face giving no emotion until he had come closer, I now noticing his disappointed face.

He shook his head with disbelief as I stare back speechless, what could I say anyway in this form?

"Not going to lie, I'm surprised." He prowled closer, disappointment slowly going away. "I told you I was going to get you out".

I shapeshift back and stumble slightly, one minute he was in front of me the next holding me up, supporting me.

"I couldn't stand it any longer, Nyx. I don't like being trapped." I avert my eyes, looking at the slightly wet cobblestone ground.

"I know." He whispered, and brought me closer to him slightly for comfort. "It was hypocritical on both my parent's parts."

"It doesn't matter now." I look up at him. "I'm leaving, and I'm never going to bother any of you again." I look down again, not wanting to see the reaction he may display.

"Oh I know that, you wouldn't have escaped if you were planning to stay." He lifted my chin, and smiled at me. "Linetta, I'm going to come with you."

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now