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I backed away slowly as the attor approached me- flaring it's wings.

My father said there were none of them left, that Feyre and Rhysand had made sure of it. Especially when they have a child in the world.

"A fae beast?" The attor snarled- it's eyes grew wide with surprise.

The morning light started to seep into the cave- getting lighter and lighter as I started to leave it. The attor becoming more clearer and ugly as the light started to shine on it.

"Come here ugly beast." He growled. "I'm hungry."

I bolted for the rocks as soon as the mouth of the cave became visible, clambering up in haste.

I cried out as the attor's claws raked down my fur and skin, causing me to fall down on to the rocky floor.

I whimpered at the excruciating pain that was caused by my legs broken and battered.

Please come find me, Cailean- I thought to myself as the attor cackled, walking up to me with it's hideous spider like legs- and horrifying smile.

I whimpered again as my body wouldn't move, I couldn't force it to move. I can't die here, I will not die here.
In desperation I clawed at the rocky ground beneath me- to at least drag me away. To at least try.

A strangled cry came from behind me- but I couldn't see- I couldn't move my feeble beastly body.

The last thing I saw was Cailean rushing up to me, his face twisted with worry, placing his hands on my face.


I felt soft blankets around me and a cold wind brushing my face.

I frowned and then winced- clearly my face is bruised and swollen.

Trees loomed over me, their leaves and branches swinging and rustling.


I sat up, wincing at the pain. Cailean was watching me from the other side of a small fire he had lit.

"How are you feeling?" He added, placing more twigs upon it.

"In pain." I grimaced, managing to cross my legs under the soft furs. "It was worse when my father had hurt me."

"Well, that was an attor. They have no morals whatsoever." He grumbled.

"Where..is it?" I looked around at the wood and frowned, we must have moved.

"It's tied up somewhere, Azriel and Erebus are coming to get it." When he said 'it', he spat it out like it was foul.

It gave me the shivers, how the creature was still here. "Why didn't you just kill it?"

"We need to get answers of course." He stated, laying back onto his own blankets.

"I thought they were extinct." I whispered, staring at the flames. It was the evening, so I clearly had slept most of the day.

"So did we." He mumbled.

"Thank you.. for helping me back there. You had the choice to just let it kill me, and you chose to save me." I thanked, reminiscing the memory.

"You're my prisoner- it's my say whether you get a beating or not." He smile, but it didn't quite meet his eyes.

"Thanks." I rolled me eyes, laying back down on the furs. "What are we going to do about the attor? This is bad right?"

He sighed. "Yeah, this is bad- proper bad."

"Hyberns gone, defeated, how are they still here?" I whined, shifting uncomfortably on the thin sheet below.

"Worse case scenario is someone's making more- that there's a new big enemy other than your father out there or secondly- this one went to hide out when they realised they had lost." Cailean explained, turning to his side, facing the fire.

I looked up at the now blackened sky, and then closed my eyes. Drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, we packed up to head off again, Cailean had told me we were at the Summer Court. He checked up on my wounds and bruises to see if they were sufficiently healing.

He even rubbed my shoulder, to ease the pain that tortured me there- which made my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

We were just about to leave- until a voice I didn't even think to hear again came behind us.


I turned around, and there storming towards us- was my Nyx.


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now