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"Me, I'll do it." I said, offering myself up.

I couldn't help but listen in and hear they had come to a predicament.
No one really cares for me, so who'd be more perfect to go than me?
Maybe I'd be able to prove myself, show them that I'm good- nothing like my father.

"No way." Nyx growled, pain clearly showing through his features.

Rhysand seemed to be thinking, looking at Feyre. Right, the telepathy.

"Your not seriously considering this?" Nyx asked his father, outraged.

"I don't know." He muttered, staring as his hands. "She's all we have, all we can risk."

Nyx's eyes went wide, and shook his head in disbelief. "You wouldn't let mother go into that hell hole?" Nyx exploded- arms splaying out with outrage.

"She's been in that hell hole, Nyx, don't you forget." He growled- a dominant 'fatherly' growl.

"She's not going in there, I will not allow it." He ordered- sounding more like a High Lord than he ever has before.

"Nyx it's okay..." I try to reassure, walking around the table to stand behind him- hand on his shoulder.

"It's not, Lin, it's not." He glowered- he suddenly stood up and shook off my hand. "If you go in there Linetta, I will never forgive you."

With that he stormed out of the room, banging the doors behind him.


I sighed staring after him, standing awkwardly where he left me. Feyre staring after him too, forlorn in her high seat.

Rhysand started to rub his face in dismay, and then leant back on his seat- parts of his face red from the rubbing.

"We still have to do it." I said softly, looking at the High Lord and Lady. "Even if he tells us no."

"Why are you so badly wanting to do this Linetta? People would do anything just to avoid seeing Hybern- let alone walking in there to trick and pretend." Feyre asked perplexed, analysing my face.

"I need to prove myself." I admitted, standing up straighter. "Not only to you but to my father, to show him what the right thing is to do. I want to save and protect our courts best I can."

I could feel all their eyes on me, contemplating.

"He'll know if you leave- this plan is useless now." Rhysand murmured, defeated.

"Not if someone plays me while I'm gone." I suggested. Cassian frowned, so did everyone else.

"How?" Azriel asked and looked at me intently.

I look at Rhysand. "Don't you have some kind of power to shapeshift another person?" I probed.

"Yes." He nodded, frowning at where I'm going with this.

"If you could ask someone to play as me...and change their form...to Nyx I'll never be gone?"

It took a moment for the words to sink in and think about.

"He'll know it isn't you." Feyre said, looking disapprovingly.

"It's worth a try." Rhysand looked at Feyre, talking in their heads again.

Feyre nodded pursing her lips, now agreeing with the idea. "It's the only way we can think of right now." She whispered.

Rhysand nodded with agreement. "Yes, it seems that's they only way we're going do this. Even if it hurts our son. It's to keep him safe- everyone safe." He looked pained- not wanting to go behind his son's back.

So did Feyre- her face was sullen not commenting on the situation anymore.

Cassian and Nesta both nodded, Azriel and Erebus just stared- agreeing quietly. Amren just smirked.

"I don't agree with this." Out of no where Cailean speaks from down the table. "She shouldn't be going in there- enemy or no enemy, no one deserves that. We have no idea what this woman will do."

"I'm willing to do this Cailean, please don't try to stop me." I looked at him, standing my ground. I need do this, to prove myself.

He growled and stood up, his eyes looked as if they were blazing with silver fire. He pointed aggressively at us, walking towards the tall doors. "When he finds out that she's not here- he'll stop at nothing to get her." He paused by the doors not looking at us. "And so will I." He mumbled.

He pushed open the doors and stormed out.

Erebus shook his head angrily, disagreeing with Cailean storming out too.

I stood there gaping. Why? I wondered. Why do they care?

I couldn't help but feel slightly happy..that they care that much about me.

I looked at Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, Nesta, Amren, Azriel and Erebus- and I could see the fear and pain in their faces. Especially the parents of the two who stormed out- their children would be walking into the heart of Hybern, for someone they don't even trust.

"Now.." Rhysand starts as Cassian follows after Cailean. "Who should be Linetta?"


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now