Chapter 44 : Alone time... great..

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

*[Louis POV]*

"Zayn, when's Hazza going to get hooommeee?" I whined even louder while continuing to poke his sides. A groan escaped his lips and said. "For the 20th time Lou... He's coming back in an hour." I rolled my eyes and kept pestering him further and further. "Actually, it's the 27th time Zen." Niall corrected with a playful smile to his boyfriend. "27th." the boy cooed while fondling annoyingly with Niall's blonde locks. I groaned feeling even more bored. Was I wrong to refuse his little plea? Was I wrong to say no? Was I-- "Lou.. stop mumbling with yourself, and actually just accept your own decision.." Zayn called out; carefully scanning me. "But Zayn.." I pleaded. "You didn't see his face."

-Le Flashback-

"Do it Louis." he urged. "Enhance me too." I widened my eyes in surprise hearing his request. "What?" I croaked swallowing a lump in my throat. He looked at me in disbelief. "You heard me..." he looked at me with such a stern, serious expression on his face. "Right.." I nodded knowing it fully well. 

Minutes passed and silence filled the car. None of us chose to say anything because we both knew that we would argue about the topic. My hands silently fumbled with the keys, and the machine roared to life. Harry kept his gaze on me; silently pleading with his eyes, and a pout on his lip. "Please Lou?" he whispered silently with desperation coating his voice. I pulled up to the curb of the mansion without saying a word. Harry whimpered in tiny pleas and grabbing my shoulder trying to get my attention.

I closed my eyes, while scrunching my eyebrows all the same. Usually I'd give in to his requests, but this one was waaay more difficult than he can even comprehend.. His risking his life. Enhancing   a person at such age is not stable. It's not certain. Heck, I've never heard of anyone ever surviving it.  But how exactly am I going to explain the risk it will do.. question is, is how exactly going to take it if Louis said no to him.. That was the very word I loathed, but I found myself saying it mindlessly to Harry.

His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth fell open as if he couldn't handle on what was says to him. "W-what did you.. s-say?" he croaked with fresh tears welling up his eyes. "N-no." I repeated unsure of what to say next. He avoided my gaze and shook his head while running up inside the mansion. Did I do the right thing?

-End of le flashback-

"Well, did you at least explain the situation to him?" Zayn questioned while crossing his arms. Niall remained silent, and looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. I shook my head. "I need him to trust my decision Zayn, not my explanation." I mumbled quietly, looking down on my feet. Both sighed at my stubbornness, and focused their eyes on the telly. Yep, once again I'm alone.

*~Liam POV~*

My forehead sweatened, and I wiped my forehead with a fresh towel. Harry kept on exercising like mad with such a stern gaze on his face. Something was definitely wrong. "Haz?" I approached him slowly, but he just kept on going. "HARRY!?!?" I half-bellowed to him making him snap out of his own thoughts, and looked at me with a stiff expression. "Y-yes Liam?" he asked almost too innocently. The mood felt tense all of a sudden. I wanted the boy to explain, so I kept silent and kept on analyzing him.

He shifted uncomfortably on the work-out station, and placed the barbels on his hands into it's hook. Minutes later, he sighed in defeat and scratched the back of his neck. "I know.. I'm working to hard.. but.." he looked at his own hands and gripped it lightly making tiny balls of fists with an unreadable expression on his face. It took him around another second, and he looked at me with a mixture of pain, and determination glazing among his whole-being. I'm not exactly sure on how it felt like, but I was sure that was the right description at the moment, so I'll stick with it.

"I gotta get stronger Liam. I wan't to be able to protect not only Louis, but all of you guys.. with my own power.. I swear I will." he added in an almost stronger tone. My expression softened, and a small smile formed in my lips. "Alright then." I clapped him on the back. "30 minutes, and nothing more alright?" the boy beamed, and nodded eagerly while leaning back on his station. "Thanks Li." he chirped as he started pumping the barbel with even more strength -- letting it bob up and down per second. That boy sure is determined. Louis, you might be underestimating this boy, he is stronger than you give him credit for.


**Zayn POV**

"Oh my gosh! You bloody cheated!" Louis exasperated while burying his face on his hands. Niall had an amused smirk carved out just for Louis. "No I didn't!" he protested almost too innocently. Louis looked up, and flung his cards into Niall. "Again. Let's play." he commanded in such a boss-like tone it's hard to tell if he was joking or not.. So I laughed instead. Niall snorted and hooked in the card to the machine -- allowing it to shuffle at an immense pace. 

Once the machine stopped, Louis analyzed the blonde boy while squinting in the process. Whereas, Niall just smiled, kept his eyes on the cards, and handed them out card by card in swift movements. "Alright." Louis breathed contently "Game.on." "Uno..?" I called out unsure if I made the right decision. Louis groaned, but kept his eyes on the prize. My boyfriend nearly smiled in my direction and gave my knee a squeeze in acknowledgement. 

About a minute and a half later, Niall once again won without even trying and screamed "UNO!!!" on the top of his lungs as he gave me a quick peck on the cheeks. Louis gawked irritatedly, and huffed while slamming his remaining cards on the table. "I'm done!" he huffed while shuffling into the kitchen. 

Niall excused himself too, and followed after the boy. Right.. I am definitely alone. "We're back!" Liam bellowed as he and Harry got in with a bunch of opaque plastic bags to their sides. Since when were they grocery shopping? "I'm going to go take a shower." Harry said hurriedly as he hopped up the stairs. That's weird.. Shouldn't Louis welcome him at least? I took a big sigh, and I swallowed the remaining contents of pepsi on my cup, and leaning back on my chair. Liam on the other hand looked at me with a small smile as a sorry as he went into a spare bathroom also.

Where was everybody? I thought.


Harry hopped down fully clothed, and so did Liam. Both of them trailed the kitchen with the bags still on their grasp. I've definitely have had enough. I swung my foot down lazily while stretching my joints, and running into the kitchen to see what the boys were up to. And to my surprise, the room was pitch-dark with no sign of the boys. Where were they?

"Guys.." I called out. "Where are you?" and suddenly without any warning, the lights flashed brightly, and the boys popped out of their hiding spots screaming a surprise. I looked behind me, and I stared at them. Were they referring to me. Niall giggled and grabbed my wrist in with them. Inside was a birthday cake with tiny figurines which looked like me and Niall cuddling on the couch sweetly, with his head on my shoulders. I still knew nothing of their intent, but my eyes widened in complete and utter surprise because, Happy 20th Birthday Zayn! was written in colourful hardened caramel syrup.

"Happy Birthday Zayn." Niall pecked my temples. Things felt heated as realization hit me. Everything felt surreal, and blush coated my cheeks. They surprised me completely, but I couldn't help notice the distance between Louis and Harry.


 Author's Note:

Happy Birthday Zayn! This dedication is given to you.. though you're not going to see it.. But I'll do it anyway. Anyways, did you guys expect Louis to have rejected Harry's offer? Moreover, will Harry forgive Louis for his choice on doing something completely selfish, and denying Harry's request? I guess you guys will have to find out soon~

P.S. I know I haven't said it much, but I appreciate all of your support on this lil 'ole fanfic of mine, and giving me a total of 809 votes, and close to 49k reads. Thanks again everyone, and may you have a prosperous day(or night)!~ 

P.P.S. Enjoy the side image of Zayn!! :DDDD!

~Cam xoxox

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