Chapter 35 : All is but forgiven... but..

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-|Niall POV|-

I never knew how long I cried, but I woke up with puffy eyes, and sleeping against Harry's chest, while Louis had his arm around me. Yep, I was completely and utterly.. stuck. "Uh boys.." I called out enough for both of them to hear. No response. "BOYS!" I practically bellowed making Louis jump up and look around. "What the hell?" he scrunched up his face while squeezing the bridge of his nose. "Sorry.." I flushed akwardly "I.. er.. was kinda stuck.." Louis snorted while gently plucking me from my position with Harry with such a disdain on his face. Yep, only he can touch Harry like that.. I should've know better...

"Harry, love wake up." he softly whispered while stroking his curls gently. Harry didn't make a single move.. "Hazza, c'mon c'mon! Wake up~" he purred, this time in s sing-song voice. Hey, that sounds catchy.. better write that down. Harry groaned while turning away from Louis. "Get away from me Lou.. I'm bloody knackered and I'm pretty sure you are too." his tone came as groggy, and barely cohorent.. Louis didn't protest and just smiled while lying down close to Harry. "You're right." he nodded in agreement while pecking his boyfriend in the cheeks, and waving me off. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed in one hop, and off to the bathroom I go.. I needed to clear my mind, and this is the only way.. I think?

About a quarter to an hour after, I was able to douse some of my pains with the warm water splashing almost all of my worries away, and I even whistled feeling a bit content. I wrapped a towel around my waist while going over to my unprepared luggage, and dug over my clothes for some boxers, a fresh clean shirt, and some jeans. I roared in victory finding them in such a short time. Carefully, I slid into each one of them, and flexed just a bit infront of the mirror to show my nonexistent muscles. Yep, everythings perfect that is until I heard a familiar chuckle over the door, only to discover Liam with a huge smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes and tried to go past him to tick him off, but he stopped me by having a hand on my shoulder. Slowly, I turned around, and the smile was long gone; it was replaced with a stern.. fatherly expression of his, and suddenly I knew what he was trying to tell me. I needed to talk to him. I knew fully well that I shouldn't avoid Zayn, but what can I do? It pains me everytime to see him because of what? He didn't want to be alone with me? The reason right now didn't seem valid in the way I've been avoiding him for the past few days.. But why did the it hurt so much to even try to talk to him.. It made no sense at all...

"Li.. I can't.." I mouthed feeling another sob session rise to my throat. "Niall, you know I don't like guilting you into things but.." he sighed while rubbing the back of his neck. "Have you seen Zayn sleep at all for the past few days? At all?" a whimper escaped my mouth, and no, actually I've been avoiding him the past few days that we saw nothing of each other's presence.. that was how far it went. "S-Should I be c-concerned?" I swallowed thickly the lump of guilt override me. He crossed his strong arms while looking me with such a disappointed expression. "Niall, he never slept, he never once swallowed any of his meals.. do you know what that means? He's depriving himself of sleep and starving himself just because you were avoiding him.." "B-But" I tried protesting but he shook his head. "No Niall, If you don't talk to him today, I swear I'll deprive you of your meals also.. and that's final!" he threatened.

I hung my head low feeling tears form in my eyes. It's either avoid food or talk about the problem with Zayn.. Somehow both options felt a bit too much for my liking but I had to choose one. "Fine.." I whispered silently while keeping my eyes on my feet and walking as slowly as possibly weighing in the consequences of my actions. If I chose to deprive myself of food instead of talking to Zayn, he'll eventually fall apart because of his lack of sleep, and no food on his stomach, while the same thing happen to me and I'll just keep the guilt in almost my whole life.. BUT If I chose to talk Zayn, everything will be resolved then we can all have a fun underpants party, while having a party-size Nando's pack.. Somehow I knew I already lost in the battle inside my head.. I have to talk to him.. no matter how much it pained both of us..

As soon as I reached the bottom of the staircase, my eyes immediately drifted to living room where Zayn quietly sat himself, and looked like didn't know I was there.. Good, I can surprise him.. Maybe that's a great mood-enlightner.. Silently, I tip-toed to his side, and noticed that he was actually sleeping stiff with his arms cross, and his head leant back. No snore or anything escaped his nose, and I started to panic.. Was he dead? Oh god please don't do this to me. Not when I haven't told him that I was sorry.. please, please don't take him away from me.. My heart isn't prepared yet..

I patted my pockets furiously while trying to find my phone, but noticed that I left it at my room. Stupid, stupid Niall! Why couldn't I do anything right? I sunk to my knees already loosing hope, and silent tears prickling my eyes. "Niall?" his voice called out behind me making me freeze at the spot. "Niall, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" his voice was glazed with pure and utter concern while coming over to where I was. He tried turning me around from my position but I remained still in complete silence.. His hands lingered lightly on my shoulder, and he released me probably assuming that I was still trying to avoid him.

"Oh right.." he silently sniffled while taking his hand away from me. The spot where he touched burned up like molten hot lava that all I could think about was apologizing, so unknowingly, I grabbed his wrist in a quick instant, and he looked at me taken back, and completely confused. "Wait.." I pleaded feeling more tears drip down my cheeks. His eyes held pain.. so much pain.. Now that I look at him, his cheek bones were more prominent, his jugular more noticeable, and obvious bags laced below his dull hazel colour of eyes. Which seemed to add more to the guilt that was slowly eating me away.

I swallowed once more while getting up to face him eye-to-eye. His eyes never left mine.. they held it for a long while until he came closer and wiped the endlessly falling tears in my cheeks. "I'm sorry.." I whimpered while he buried me into his chest. "It's fine Nialler.. It's fine. It was my fault that I.. that I said such a hurtful thing that I.. Ugh.. I'm so stupid.." he complained against the crook of my neck. I smiled within his chest while shaking my head. "It's both our fault Zayn and you know it." I teased. He chuckled an angelic laugh that my knees went weak just long enough for him to notice. He helped me up with an instant asking if I was okay but all I could was stare.. I felt literally frozen within his arms and staring into the deep pool of his hazel eyes.

Slowly, he leaned and I remained still till we locked lips sending butterflies straigh to my stomach catching me totally off guard. I felt myself completely lost in the moment till we both needed to catch our breaths. He brushed a stray hair away from my eyes and said. "Niall, I'm truly, madly, deeply, completely in-love with you." 


Author's Note:

Anyone enjoy this chapter? Cause I sure did like writing it.. It's sweet yet their are a few bitterness to it.. Tell me what you think.. Totally curious on what you guys think of my little cliffy :)!!

~Cam xoxox

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