Chapter 24 : As friends, we can stick together.

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*{Harry POV}*

They eyed me curiously. "What?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Well?" Liam said "Aren't you goin' to say anything?" Niall said curiously. "Anything at all?" Zayn added while crossing his arms. I blinked a few times and just got up my seat.. just left. Man, I wonder how they're going to react. "Is he serious ? He's just leaving?" Zayn complained while arguing with the boys. "Yeah, you can't see him anymore right Zayn? Then he left." Louis argued back in an equal tone.

"You know what, let's just go find him, yeah?" Liam asked them, and suddenly I was running at full speed. I stumbled at some room, and I quickly closed it as approaching footsteps made it's appearance. "He's not here!!" Niall whined while running to one side I knew nothing about. "So I guess he's playing this game, huh guys?" Louis said mischievously. "I guess so... Let's go find him!" Liam suggested. "No shit." Niall joked making me wince. God, I hate swearing.

"Okay, you go there, you go to the garage, Zayn, you go in the washroom, while I search outside." Louis instructed sternly, and soon silence filled the room, and I sighed giving up. They seriously are horrid at hide-and-seek and I'd rather just go inside my room and just wait till they actually discover where I was. My hand gripped slightly on the knob, and seconds later, I clicked it open.

Silently, I opened the door 1 inch at a time, and took a tiny peep at the small amount of space I have given myself. And to my surprise, nobody was there. It was rather strange, but I'd rather have that than wait for hours for them to show up. This time, I opened it fully, and the boys were on my view. A gasp was stuck on my throat. "Uh... hi?" I murmured while walking away. "Hold on Styles!" Zayn said while yanking me back from the back of my collar.

"We weren't finished talking yet." Louis playfully smirked in my direction, while gripping my hand. "CRAP!" I screamed as he jumped down 3 flights of stairs carrying me down with him in a quick potato-sack hold. I was gripping on his back, letting my nails bury itself on Lou's back. "Shh, shh, we're at the ground Harry, we're at the ground." he cooed while patting my head comfortingly. I somehow miraculously eased down beneath his touch. 

He stopped and gently plopped me down on my feet. "Crap Lou, you scared the shit out of me!" I clenched on my chest indicating how hurt I was. "My heart's still beating.. feel it!" He reached out his hand and let it hoover over where my heart was supposed to be, and pulled his hand away. "It sure is beating." he smiled, suddenly feeling distant. I grabbed his hand and placed it where my heart was, violently beating against his palm.

He widened his eyes in surprise, and I took it away shyly. "Sorry, can't know till you try right?" I smiled cheekily at the lad while seating myself on the snog chair in one end of the living room... and did I mention I was alone.. Where the hell was the boys?

**Zayn POV**

"Gosh Niall, why the hell do I have to carry you down? You have feet." I huffed while jogging down the stairs with Liam behind my trail. "But it's easiiiierrrr!!!" he whined while burying himself on my chest. I rolled my eyes, and just continued on running down till I came to a stop where Louis looked almost as if he was lost. Niall hopped down the same time I released my grip on his thigh. "Lou?" I called. No response. "Lou?!" I repeated while touching his shoulder.

He snapped back to reality and suddenly his hand was gripping my wrist; prepared to break it off. Once he noticed it was me, he took off his hand, and looked at me with a clear tint of blush in his cheeks. "What happened Lou?" I asked curiously.

*[Louis POV]*

Shit, shit, shit.. words cannot form in my mouth as I tried looking back on what Harry just did a few seconds ago. I didn't want to touch him considering he is obviously sensitive to the cold, and I didn't feel like looking more like a monster than usual, so I let it hoover. But what I didn't expect was his warm hands grabbing it and letting me touch his chest. God, I practically felt warmer than I have ever felt before. It's somewhat comforting..

His very touch lingered slightly on my wrist, and let me tell you, it's-- "LOUIS!?!?" Zayn screamed while punching the side of my arm. I looked at him and mumbled a sorry while making my way down the hall where Harry was. Zayn stopped me and gripped hard on my shoulder. "What the hell happened Lou?" he asked silently while looking directly into my eyes. "Nothing." I shrugged off his arm.

And it was the truth... nothing happened. It was just the regular me acting all girly just because the person I very-much like just touched me out of his own will.. it wasn't that long, but it held a bit of sentimental value in my heart. As soon as I was steps away from the living room, I didn't mean to listen in, but I think he was talking to his mum?

"Mum, you know I can't... Yes, I love you too, but I need.. I want to stay here. These boys for a short time are like brothers to me mum, you should understand that. Yes, yes.. Bye.. I love you.." and with that his conversation ended. I walked in slowly afterwards acting like nothing happened, and sat down on the couch beside the snog chair. "Where the hell were you.. guys!?!?" he almost-shouted on a strong tone.

I shrugged casually as the rest of the lads came in and sat near us. Zayn sat himself beside me while Niall came afterwards, then Liam. "We were just uh.." Niall prodded while concentrating hard on the ceiling. "Tackling each other?" Zayn replied in a confused tone. Harry cocked an eyebrow. "Tackling each other? really?" he asked curiosly. "Out of.. ehmm.. love?" Liam said innocently, but TOTALLY failed at it. Geez, if you thought an agent can suppress their emotions like a boring rock. Then I guess you haven't met Liam.. he's special.

Zayn snorted reading my mind. "Hey Li, nice save." he said sarcastically while leaning back on the couch while putting his hands behind his head. Liam caught the idea and glared at both of us saying how were a bunch of idiots who can't make use of our time. I rolled my eyes at that, and re-focused my gaze on Harry, "So.. what do you wanna do today Haz?" I asked curiously. He shrugged with a smile on his lips.

"In all honesty Lou.. I have no idea." he said while looking at the boys for help. "What about you guys, any ideas?" Liam and Zayn just shrugged while Niall's eyes glistened, and did I mention drool was running down his lips. "Let's go for ice cre--" "No, I asked Harry." I huffed while crossing my arms like a child. Harry sighed and pouted. "Let's just go to the damn ice cream parlor." he stated bluntly while rolling his eyes. I was about to protest, but my phone buzzed, and I clicked it open isolating myself from the boys. 

Simon Cowell was written in bolding. I wonder what he could want?


:OOO!! I sure wonder what he wanted... Pretty sure it's something important... Anyways.. as I announced earlier.. get this chapter to 10 votes and 4-5 comments, and you'll get a special longer cute Halloween special at October 31th.. sounds easy right? right :)

Good Luck!!

~Cam xoxoxox

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