chapter 7- foreign places

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The man knew her. he knew her name, but she couldn't of known him.

"who the hell are you?!"
she holds close to James, not knowing who he was, or what was happening.

"please come with me, i can explain when we arrive."
he held out a hand. he spoke with a stern voice, almost intimidating.

she looked at James who started to relax, releasing himself from her.

he stepped forward, extending his hand. she took it as he pulled her out of the destroyed truck. James followed keeping a close eye on her incase this was a trap.

the man lead her to a jet and buckled her in. As James stood beside her. The man who had taken them, she recognized his voice but couldn't tell where from, He had long blonde locks of hair, soft blue eyes. his armor was black with hints of silver, and a red cape flowing off the back.

"so what's your name." she asked him breaking the growing silence.

"Thor, son of odin." he replied with no hesitation.

she looked at him, she knew him. but she couldn't tell from where.

"so is the son of odin like a last name or is that just the whole thing?."
James chuckled under his breath at the snarky remark.

As Thor smiled not knowing exactly how to respond.

she held onto the buckle that was holding her in, glancing around at the unknown jet she was in.

There were two people in front, flying the plane. There was one guard standing beside them. Thor was sitting across from her, and then there was Her and James.

She didn't understand where they were going or to who, she wanted to stay quiet not knowing if these people were dangerous, but she just couldn't.

"where are we going?" She asked just to get a small nudge from James.

"Well you see I'm not really supposed to tell you a lot, I'll leave that to when we get there, but in a short version we are going to a beautiful little place called Esopus New York, where our headquarters is located." Thor exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh ok." Was all she could mutter out from the long explanation he had just given her.

The flight was boring, James had finally accepted to sit down next to her, but still didn't buckle in. The two pilots were conversing over something in the front. One of their voice kept going over in her head, like she'd heard it before. Thor eventually got up and walked to the other side to look at something on a hologram.

She looked to James, "why us?"

He looked at her with an uncertainty to her to her question, and shrugged. She knew he didn't talk much, but at this time, she needed him to even if he didn't know the answer.
After what seemed like hours they landed. The pilot stood out from behind the chair, she did know him.

He had flown their plane to the mission in Moscow.
As Thor unbuckled her she stood up, almost in a rage but mostly confusion.
"Hey i know you!" She pointed at him.

"Y/n." James said softly into her ear.

"No he was the pilot on our plane to Moscow. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!"

She shouted as James grabbed her arm, trying to console her.

"Please we will explain inside, come."
Thor lead them out of the plane, to find a man and a woman running towards them.

The woman had bright red hair and wore a red jacket, accompanying a black dress underneath.
The man wore black sweatpants, with a black jacket that had white stripes on the side, his hair blonde with hints of brown under.

They ran to the jet, "y/n!!!" said with an almost Russian accept.
The woman hugged her tightly, as she backed away, wondering who these people were and how they knew her.

The woman released her as the man came toward her to also get a hug.

"Please stop touching me, i don't know you, any of you." She denied, backing into James.
The woman walked toward her, gathering her hands.

"Your our sister."

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