chapter 37- trials

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Wanda's pov-

It had been a day since we all got the news from Stark. I was right in a way. This wasn't our Y/n. Pietro had stayed with me last night, attempting to calm me down as I held onto the picture of our family. Mom and Dad stood behind us as we three kneeled in front. Pietro smothered Y/n and me in a bear hug as the photo was taken. 

We all looked so happy. We were. 

Now I sat in the lab, arms crossed tightly against my chest as Bruce worked through lab reports and brain scans they had taken when Loki knocked out Y/n for a couple of hours. It was either that or be blasted into a wall. Pietro and I decided on the latter. 

A blue flash of light appeared before Pietro slowed down beside me. I usually didn't jump at it. I'd gotten used to it over the years but I was so on edge I yelped, holding a hand over my heart. "Any news?" He asked, gesturing to Bruce. I shook my head, "He's been at it for hours. I told him he could rest but-"

"Aha!! I got it!!" Bruce looked back, a grin plastered on his face. "What?! What do you have?!" I stood up, seeing him holding a piece of paper. "Well, I really should hold a meeting for news like-"

"I swear Bruce if you don't tell me what is wrong with our little sister we'll all be having a meeting with the other guy." I held my hand up a little higher, red energy angrily swarming my hand. 

His eyes widened, "No. Yeah. Uhm here." Bruce walked over to a chart of the brain. "See take James and Y/n for example. They have, slash, had this other personality. James had 'The Winter Soldier' and Y/n had 'Agent 147' but when Shuri helped James she eradicated those parts of Winter in his brain. She rebooted his brain. If we can do the same thing with Y/n then-"

"Are you suggesting putting her on ice?" Pietro looked at me. We both didn't like that idea. 

Bruce shook his head, "No. It's been a couple of years since Shuri did what she did. Their technology has improved even more. If I can get some of their tools and of course have Shuri help me it could take..." Bruce held his pen in the air as if he was counting a math problem. "A day. At the most."

My head snapped towards my brothers. Y/n could be back to herself in less than 24 hours. We could have our little sister back. I looked to Bruce, "Call a meeting."


A/N: I know this one was a little shorter but It's building up the tension. I'm so excited about what I have planned with these next few chapters and the end. 

Thank you for reading!! Please don't forget to vote!

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