chapter 34- get the hell up

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Y/n's pov

I heard the door open, keeping my back to it. But only the footsteps weren't soft. They were hard and demanding. Bucky. 

His body came into view as he walked over, arms crossed, looking down at me. I was curled into a ball. My arms tightly wrapped around my knees as I stared at the ground. Not meeting his eyes. 

But unlike everyone else, he didn't sit down. He didn't console me. He didn't have a pity look on his face. He looked...mad. 

"What?" I met his eyes, "Your not gonna offer me soup and tell me it's okay to cry?"

His face stayed the same, completely stoic. My brows came together, urging me to sit up a little. "What. do. you. want?" I chanted, covering my body in blankets again, closing my eyes. I could hear the distant sounds of my favorite movie playing in the background. Calming me to sleep once again.

Suddenly my cocoon of warmth was ripped from my body as my eyes shot open. 

"Get the hell up," Bucky ordered, throwing my blanket to the sofa beside my bed. 

"James Barnes what the hell are you doing?!"

"Oh yay. It speaks something other than depressive bullshit. Get the fuck up or I swear to god y/n I will pull you out."

I smirked, my lips making another shape than flat in days, "Try me, Barnes. You won't win." I pulled the sheet onto my body, turning away from him. 

"Alright. You asked for it." 

The sheet was torn from me as I felt his metal arm snake around my waist, lifting me into the air. I screamed as he threw me onto his shoulder, walking from my room. Pietro stood outside the door, arms crossed, Wanda and Natasha beside him. "Pietro!! Help me!!" He shook his head, speeding off with a blue flash behind him. "Natasha, please!!" I cried, beating my fists into Bucky's back. She stayed silent, walking away with Wanda behind her. "Please, Wanda! Wanda, you're my sister!!" They both left, ignoring my pleads

"Bucky I swear to god if you don't let me down!!"

He ignored me, pressing a level I couldn't see on the elevator. "James Buchanan Barnes!" I hit his back. It didn't even phase me as the doors opened, the bell dinging. We walked through halls I didn't recognize. Well, I had also been gone for three years so they did some renovating. 

Can't renovate my shower into a tub though. Thanks, Tony. 

"Let!" Punch.

"Me!" Punch.

"Down!!" Punch. 

Suddenly my body was dropped from his. My butt hit the floor with a bang. "Ow, what the fuck?!"

Bucky smirked, "You said to let you down."

 I rolled my eyes, finally taking in my surroundings. No wonder I didn't recognize the halls. I lied on my back in a cell. The round glass cage circled me. before I could get up the door closed, leaving me to bang on the surface. 

Bucky's smirk dropped, crossing his arms once again. 

"Let me the hell out! Let me out!!" I shouted, pounding on the glass door. 

"No can do, doll. We're not letting you out until you come to your senses." I scoffed, energy circling my hand as my eyes glowed. 

"I said let me the fuck out or I will destroy this level, and you with it." I smiled evilly. Raising my hand as my powers grew brighter. 

"You can try," Bucky nodded, then gesturing his finger, "But this place was made for someone a lot more powerful  than you."

I laughed, "Like who?"

"Like a lot stronger than Loki and a hell of a lot stronger than Wanda."

My smile faltered slightly. I was strong, stronger than hulk. Almost more powerful than Loki. But not my big sister. 

"Seriously let me out, Bucky. It's not funny-"

"No, it's not. It's not funny watching the little girl I basically raised and helped through the red room..." He paused, taking a deep breath, "It's not funny watching the young girl I knew to become a badass woman tear herself apart like this."

My arms lowered, the power diminishing from my palms. I turned, walking away from him. A few moments passed before I raised my head, smirking back at him. "You think I care? Cause I don't."

His brows scrunched up together in confusion as he watched me near him again. "I could give less than a shit, soldat." My Russian accent thickened as I backed away, "Keep me here as long as you want." I raised my hands in a surrender motion, sitting down on the cold bench behind me. "I know how to get comfortable in a cell." Pausing again, I breathed out a laugh, "You left me in one for two years."

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