chapter 33- Surprise, Surprise

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Steve's Pov-

Y/n. She was the first thought that crossed my mind when I came to. I don't even know how long ago. I tried to keep count of how many days. I tried to tally it on the wall or even watch when the sun rose and set.

But that's hard to do when the cell they threw me into had no windows and nothing to let me know the time of day.

I sat with my back against the wall. My blonde hair was oily, and my uniform was torn. The cell door had only been opened twice. Both for trays of food.

There was a gash in my red, white, and blue uniform, right in the front where a HYDRA agent stabbed me.

I saw it from the top of the building. He was coming up behind Y/n. I tried to jump down, but a voice rang out before I could. It was either her or me.

And god knows I wouldn't let them take her again. I wouldn't let her be tortured and brutalized just like she's been for her whole life. I'd rather be taken prisoner than her ever feel any more pain from HYDRA.

The cell door opened, the hinges creaking as the light poured in.

"Get up." The man ordered, kicking my foot.
I shakily stood, breathing as if I had run a 5k. I knew my body could heal faster. But with only two meals and a stab wound, It wasn't fast enough for my liking.

"Let's go." He ordered again, grabbing my arm as I stumbled into the hallway. I saw nearly twenty guards as we walked down the cold dark labyrinth of the base. All held guns, all ready for the attack they thought I would impose. And I would, just not yet.

I wasn't giving up. I'm making it back to y/n if it's the last thing I do. I have so much more to tell her. So much to give her. So much to ask her. Everything about her is perfect.

The way her hair whips in the wind. She blows it away annoyingly, which makes her face scrunch up into this cute little expression.

The way she gets over dramatically exhausted at training and complains that she can't use her powers...when every time we had only been training for 10 minutes.

The way when she wakes up, her  y/e/c  eyes gleam in the sun that casts through the windows. And then she groans and tells me to shut the blinds.

I will get back to that. I will get back to y/n.

"Where are we going? I questioned, feeling two hands grip my biceps, leading me to the unknown.

They stayed quiet, turning a corner as we stopped at the door. The man swiped a card, the light on the scanner turning green. The door opened.
I felt two hands push me in. Falling onto my palms as the hard concrete sent shivers through my body. I winced, My stab wound is still not fully healed.

"Captain Rogers." My head snapped up at the familiar feminine voice. 

"Holy shit." I breathed out, standing up hesitantly. 

Her dark brown hair was unmistakable. Her blood-red lips were vibrant as ever. And her once pencil skirt had turned into black tactical gear. 


"That's no way to talk to a lady, Captain."

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