Steve's pov-
She was a ghost. Standing right before me. She looked the same, sort of? Her once brown eyes looked red. And at first glance, her hair that used to be a deep brown was a deep scarlet. She looked like her but...not like her?
"That's because i'm not the same Peggy, Captain.." I didn't realize I had said that last sentence out loud. Wait? I hadn't.
She walked over to a table, pouring a glass of bourbon."Drink?" She offered, earning a shake of the head from me. She walked around like she had seen me only hours before. Like we weren't seeing each other for the first time in almost 95 years.
Maybe I was seeing a ghost. Maybe I was delusional. Maybe I was succumbing to the lack of food and water.
No that's crazy.
I wouldn't see her, I'd see y/n if I was delusional. Hopefully."You're not seeing a ghost, Steve," Peggy spoke, catching my attention.
"How do you..." I trailed off, keeping my guard up as my fist clenched in case.
Peggy laughed, "It's the same reason my hair turned red. Why my eyes are different." She stalked toward me, her wine-red eyes staring into my soul. "It's the same reason I know your not fighting us..." She smiled, tilting her head, "Yet at least."
I was confused. How was Peggy alive? How did she know what I was thinking. I know I didn't say it out loud. I knew I wasn't imagining this.
"You're dead. You died in 2014." She smiled.
"Walk with me," Peggy gestured her head, swiping a card over the scanner as the door opened to a long hall.
"I assume you're wondering how I'm here right now?" I followed her down the corridor, seeing pictures of colonels and agents. Fallen HYDRA operatives. I kept silent, not answering her. I wouldn't give her more ammunition than she already had.
"Ahh, my father." She stopped right in front of a bigger painting.
"No..." I breathed out, standing up a little straighter as I stared at the painting. It was him, he was her father.
"Johann Schmidt." Peggy turned to me, her dark eyes now glowing in the dim light. "Or as I called him...Dad."
I stumbled back, hitting the cold steel wall. Suddenly I felt enclosed. I usually had everything together. I was usually the poster child for calm. But now..It felt like the walls were smothering me.
I felt a hand pull me. Peggy. I ripped my arm from her grasp, "Don't touch me." She chuckled, motioning me to step into a side room.
The office was large. No windows of course. I still had no idea where I was. "Where the hell am I?"
Peggy marched over behind the desk. Sitting down as she pulled up a computer screen. "You, Captain, Are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."
I stared at the screen, letting my arm drop from holding my bloody side. The GPS blinked, showing an unknown island as Peggy said...In the middle of the Ocean. "Hundreds and thousands of miles from any known civilization. That and two thousand feet under the surface of the ocean. So no, you won't be getting out of this one." She laughed, turning off the computer screen. Lifting her hand she gestured to the chair in front of the desk. "I'm good. I'll stand."
Raising her hands in surrender she sat back, "I've been waiting for this day for well...almost a century."
I watched her closely, scoping her body for weapons. Seeing none.
"What do you want?"
She laughed again, "I thought I was the love of your life, Rogers." I scoffed, "Not anymore."
Peggy smiled, showing her white teeth against the blood-colored lipstick. "That's right." She stood, pulling out a manilla folder and handing me a picture.
It was the day we went out for ice cream with Wanda and Thor. Thor was so confused about why there were so many flavors. Wanda got annoyed and pushed him into a sewer drain because he wouldn't stop complaining.
"How do you know about her?"
Peggy scoffed, "I know a lot more than you, Captain."
"You followed her. Why would you..." I looked back at the picture. This was years ago. This was before she left. Before HYDRA took her back for two years.
"It was you..." I looked up in shock, staring at the woman I once loved. "You took her."
Peggy grinned, "Bingo. Bullseye. You get one point, Steven."
"But why would you do that? What did she ever do to you?!"
Suddenly Peggy slammed her fist on the wooden desk, making it splinter, "IT'S NOT WHAT SHE DID!!"
I stared at her in surprise. I had never seen her yell before. Only in the 40's when she was giving orders. I had never seen her mad. She regained her smug expression, smoothing down the black shirt she had on.
"The best way to hurt you was through her." Peggy turned her back, walking toward the large concrete wall.
"Why would you want to hurt me?"
"BECAUSE YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!" She turned back, her eyes blazing red. "You killed him and I had to pretend I wasn't glad when you sunk that stupid ship into the ice! I had to talk to you!" She exclaimed in a whiny voice, "I had to say I loved you and that we had a date!"
She scoffed, pacing back and forth. "But then you lived. I heard about it on the News." She lifted her hands to her heart, "The infamous Captain America was alive!" Her hand fell, her face turning stoic. "Imagine my surprise when you show up at the exact base I was in, looking for the soldier."
I looked up, "Bucky?"
She nodded, "I remember the day you almost found him. That was the day you gained the twins."
My brows furrowed, "Wanda and Pietro? What do they have to do with this?"
"Well, you see. They broke within a couple of months. After a few torture sessions and a couple of tricks. They were given powers...But with y/n. She took years. Protected by your little friend." She wiggled her hand in my direction, "I couldn't necessarily get to her. That little wench always annoyed the hell out of me." Peggy plopped down.
"But then one day. I had an idea. I let the twins go, knowing they would go looking for their dear little sister."
I took a deep breath, "What did you do?"
"I made sure they couldn't find her. I. made. sure...She was forever forgotten. But then you and your team saved her a couple of months later. And she was so happy and so smiley and so...with you."
I breathed out. Peggy had been planning this all along. She knew y/n and she knew getting to her would hurt me.
"Oh don't get sentimental now, Captain." Peggy smiled, I'm not done with the story..."

Steve rogers x y/n
FanfictionFrom the time she can remember she was trained, beaten, and worked to the breaking point. But when an unknown group saves her and the winter soldier, will she find her family? Will she find a home? And most importantly, will she find love? [COMPLETE...