chapter 6- home

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she woke up to the sound of the soldier she now knew as James shuffling around, as if he was in a hurry.

she lifted her body up to look at him, he was packing their bags, no focus on where things went.

"hey what's wrong"

he didn't answer.

"James what's going on?" she asked again.

"we need to get back to base, somethings happened."

she looked at him puzzled but got up and changed into a plain black outfit, her holster on her thigh holding her gun.

she looked at him puzzled but got up and changed into a plain black outfit, her holster on her thigh holding her gun

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she packed up all her bags and raced out to the car behind James, not caring to even check out of the motel.

he threw everything in and yelled, "get in!"

she listened and jumped in the car, as they speeded away they saw multiple black SUV's rushing towards the place they had just left.

she wanted to ask what was happening but knew he wouldn't give her a strait answer.

they got to the plane, boarded and buckled in.

she stared at him, he ignored her gaze. something was wrong. this wasn't how his composure usually was. he always stood tall, emotionless. but something was different.
they reached the landing strip after a long few hours of flying.

a car immediately picked them up and speeded to the base camp.

her fear and anxiety grew as she didn't know what was going on.

they finally got to the base, soldiers were swarming everywhere. she saw her best friend being loaded into a truck. "natasha!!"

before she could run to her the truck door closes, taking away her only friend. she grabbed her bag, walking back to the building her room was in. before she could enter she felt a cold hand grab her arm.

Vasily Karpov.

she turned to face him, rage spreader throughout him. he pulled her, not allowing her to go back to her room.

"hey! what's going on?!"

she wanted answers. no one would tell her anything. it was like she was invisible, or mute.

he threw her into the back of a truck, closing the doors. it was pitch black.

she couldn't see let alone know if she was alone. she heard a noise at the other side of the truck. not knowing the origin of the noise, she cowered into a corner, pulling her legs to her chest.

there were many few times she was scared. when she first came to hydra, when the winter soldier was forced to train her breaking her into the program, or even when she was made to go on a mission, let alone the fact she had a broken arm. Even on missions she wasn't scared, never afraid of what would happen. but this wasn't one of those times, she was terrified.

"h-h-hello?" she whispered just loud enough for someone to hear her.

for a moment there was silence, hot tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

"it's me y/n." James spoke, with an almost regret in his voice.

she stopped herself, knowing ears were listening.

"soldat?" she spoke. knowing it was him nevertheless.

she heard him mumble, like he was saying yes.
the truck started to move forward, knocking her to the other side, onto James's side.

"ow fuck."
she hissed in pain knowing she most likely had broken or at least fractured a rib or two.
she sat up holding her side, now being able to see a glimpse of light on his face coming from a crack in the metal of the truck.

"are you ok?" he asked in a concerned tone.

she groaned, "mhm"
where were they going? Karpov had taken her bag, leaving both of them with nothing. all of her memories and personal items, inside her bunk. from she could feel the truck was moving in the opposite direction.

"what's happening?!"

there was silence, something she had come accustomed to when talking to James. he didn't talk much, which didn't usually bother her. But she wanted answers, she needed them.

"look i usually don't mind that your quiet, i think it's endearing, really. but i want to know what the HELL is going on!!"

she heard his breath hitch, she never screamed. She was usually quiet just as he was.

"they found you." the only words he muttered out, leaving her in a questionable suspense.

"who found me? what do you mean?!"

before he could answer they felt the truck sway lightly, until crashing and flipping. with them in the back being tossed around.

he grabbed onto her holding her in his body so the sides would take pressure on him, and not her.

the truck stopped flipping after a seemingly long time. they heard talking outside and gunshots.
she started to cry as she held onto James. the truck laid on its side. them pressing into a corner of the side.

they heard mumbling coming from the outside of the doors. she held tighter, now silently sobbing.

the door hatch broke, swinging open to find a man standing in the now blinding light.

they still couldn't see but looked up to grasp who crashed the vehicle.

before her eyes focused she saw a glimpse of a tall buff man, and the color red standing out over anything else.

he spoke. her eyes still not fully adjusted.



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